DVD DIGEST - LIVE UPDATE Issue 9 DIGITAL DIGEST - http://www.digital-digest.com DVD DIGEST | LIVE UPDATE Issue 9 What's new at DVD DIGEST ? Wednesday, 12th January, 2000 ******************************************************* TOP NEWS SUMMARY : 1. Digital Digest Open - how does DVD Digest fit into this new site ... 2. What's new at DVD Digest's Download site ? - DVD Genie 3.24 - AsusDVD 1.35 patch - StartDVD 1.0 3. How to cancel/change settings for your subscription to this newsletter 4. A simple thank-you - a thank-you message for all those that joined this list ******************************************************* 1. Digital Digest Open Due to recent troubles with my host, the dvd-digest.com domain has been closed. To combat this action, digital-digest.com has been opened. Digital Digest, which has been in the works for quite a while now, will feature all things digital related. Currently, only the DVD section (DVD Digest) is open. You can access Digital Digest by using the following URL : http://www.digital-digest.com You can access DVD Digest by using the following URL : http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/index.html Digital Digest will open it's MP3 section sometime in the next month, more details will be provided in the next few LiveUpdate newsletters. Thank-you. ******************************************************* 2. What's new at DVD Digest Downloads ? - DVD Genie 3.24 The latest version of DVD Genie adds quite a number of useful features, including automatic region-selection, and also more configuration options for WinDVD (including the enabling of GeForce acceleration). Get it here : http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/downloads/region_soft.html - AsusDVD 1.35 patch AsusDVD 1.3.5 patch available from Asus. It is available in multiple languages and will update your AsusDVD 1.2, 1.2.97 and 1.34 version to the latest 1.3.5. You do not need the original CD to use this update patch. Get it here : ftp://ftp.asuscom.de/pub/ASUS/beta/asusdvd/ - StartDVD 1.0 StartDVD v1.0 allows automatic Cinemaster region-selection and also playback of ripped DVD movies from your hard-drive (without using SUBST commands). All you need to do is run the StartDVD program, and you can then click on the individual ripped .ifo and .bup files on your hard-disk drive to start DVD playback from your hard-disk drive. Get it here : http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/downloads/region_soft.html#startdvd ******************************************************* 3. How to cancel/change settings for your subscription to this newsletter Changing subscription settings for this newsletter can be hard, so here is a short guide : 1. Go to this link : http://www.listbot.com/cgi-bin/subscriber 2. Enter the email address this newsletter is sent to and also the password you chose when signing up to this newsletter. 3. You should find options to change/cancel your subscriptions. Note : using your sign-up account, you can sign up to the 1000's of other newsletters available from listbot.com ******************************************************* 4. A simple thank-you Just a note to thank all those people, including you, who joined the DVD Digest LiveUpdate program. We've spent quite a bit of time developing this site, and making it what it is today, and really do appreciate your continued support. If you want to thank us, please click on our sponsors', Gozilla and Mysimon, links on our sites, it won't cost you a cent (maybe 5-10 seconds worth of Internet time), but it will help us to keep this site going - thanks. I would also like to take time out to especially thank all those who offered advice and services for my domain hosting requirements. We hoped you enjoyed this LiveUpdate newsletter. Thank-you DVDGuy - Digital Digest Owner and Webmaster ======END OF LIVEUPDATE NEWSLETTER======