An open source filter for playing back MP4, H.264, DivX and XviD video files
From the Official Site :
ffdshow is a DirectShow decoding filter for decompressing DIVX movies. It uses libavcodec from ffmpeg project for video decompression, postprocessing code from mplayer to enhance visual quality of low bitrate movies, and is based on original DirectShow filter from XviD, which is GPL'ed educational implementation of MPEG4 encoder.
Features :
- fast video decompression using optimized MMX, SSE and 3DNow! code
- support for different codecs: XviD and all DIVX versions
- image postprocessing for higher playback quality
- automatic quality control: automatically reduces postprocessing level when CPU load is high
- hue, saturation and luminance correction
- experimental sharpening filter
- completely free software: ffdshow is distributed under GPL
- noising (of course if you want it)
Playing back .MP4 H.264 encoded movies:
Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
H.264 Playback Guide
Description: A guide on how to play back H.264 files (MP4 + AAC), including a look at software including ffdshow, CoreAVC, Nero ShowTime
Is your computer fast enough for high definition DVD playback?
Description: A guide which let you know if your computer is fast enough to play back high definition DVDs
MP4 Usage Guide
Description: This guide provides information and tips for some of the things you might need to do with your MP4 file, like playback, conversion (to and from), splitting/joining, mux/demux and more.
FLV to AVI Conversion Guide
Description: A guide that tells you how to convert Flash Video (FLV) files to AVI (DivX/Xvid or using the original FLV1/FLV4 video without quality loss)
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