View menu



Toolbar, PGC Selector and Edit Buttons:  Show or hide those GUI parts.


PGC Selector side:  With this submenu, you can choose the placement and height (if top or bottom) of the PGC Selector.


Edit Buttons:  Selecting this option will display the edit buttons at the bottom of the GUI.  This is very handy.


Tcl Calculator/Converter:  This is a small calculator and decimal/hexadecimal/ASCII converter.  CAUTION! This calculator uses the Tcl syntax, which is somewhat unusual! In particular, a calculation which uses only integers will give an integer result!  For example: 3 / 2 gives 1, whereas 3 / 2.0 gives 1.5.


You can enter a number in hexadecimal form (0x0A), octal (012), or decimal (10).  You can also enter a maximum of 4 ASCII characters in the little box at the right, to convert it to an integer.  The language codes used on DVDs are codes of 2 letters in lower case, for example, “en” (25966) for English, “fr” (26226) for French.  Pressing Enter carries out the calculation, and the result is displayed in the lower field.  If the result is an integer, it is also displayed in hexadecimal and ASCII.

Note that by using the above prefixes, you may type a number in hexadecimal, octal or ASCII directly in most of PgcEdit’s numerical fields.

The Tcl Calculator has many other math functions: for example entering pow(2,5)+3 raises 2 to the power of 5 and adds 3 with a result of 35.  For a full list of available math functions, see here.


Show/Clear Log:  Shows/clears PgcEdit’s log.  Double clicking in the main GUI’s status bar will also show the log.