Page 4 of 7: Hardware or Software DVD Player
Hardware or Software DVD Player | DVD DIGEST |
You should already know the difference between a hardware DVD player (ie. a hardware decoder card, like the Creative DXR-3 or RealMagic Hollywood+) and a software DVD player (eg. PowerDVD or WinDVD), but in case you don't :
- A hardware DVD player will usually be a PCI card, and has outputs on the back of the card/your computer for connection to your TV/external sound system.
- A software DVD player, on the other hand, depends on your available hardware (eg. CPU, Video/Sound card).
For more information on this, and other PC-DVD related issues, please consult The PC-DVD Guide
Once you know what kind of DVD player you have, please use the links below to proceed.
If you are using a Hardware DVD Player Click Here to continue