Amazon: HD DVD 2-for-1 sale (US), Blu-ray 3-for 2 sale (UK)
Another week, another Blu-ray BOGOF offer. Don’t know if it’s Amazon doing the discounting, or it’s the Blu-ray people, but we don’t care do we? We just want the cheap movies Blu-ray Buy One Get One Free Deal (offer expired)
Update: The above sale is actually a new link (11 December 2007), now with more than 110 titles to choose from instead of the (comparitively) puny 30 or so titles from before. Well that ended quickly, not even a day this time. Oh well. But good news for HD DVD fans, you finally get your own very BOGOF sale on the same day Blu-ray’s one ends (maybe Toshiba has had a “word” with Amazon about it): HD DVD Buy One Get One Free Deal
If this one is anything like the last Blu-ray sale, it will be over very soon, so don’t wait and miss out.
Amazon UK is still offering the “3 for the price of 2” special on Blu-ray discs. Lot more titles are available in this special than the 2-for-1 offer above (137 from a rough count). Blu-ray Buy Two Get One Free Deal
Don’t forget the Blu-ray and HD DVD hardware deals that are going on if you’re still a HD “virgin”.