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A multimedia and DVD player for Linux
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 0.9.13 (details)
OS Support: Linux/Unix
License: Freeware
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Page Viewed: 23329 times


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A multimedia player for Linux that supports DVDs, VCDs, AVIs (eg. OpenDivX, MS-MPEG4, MJPEG).

From the readme :
xine is a free gpl-licensed video player for unix-like systems. We support mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 system (audio + video multiplexed) streams, mpeg elementary streams (audio/video only, e.g. mp3 files) and AVI files (using win32 codec dlls).

xine plays the video and audio data of the stream and synchronizes the playback of both. Depending on the properties of the stream, playback will need more or less processor power, full frame rate for mpeg-2 has been seen on a 400 MHz P II system.

xine can play Video CDs, SVCDs and DVDs directly. Unfortunately the legal status of encrypted/locked DVD playback is uncertain in some countries so we cannot include any DVD unlock code with xine. To play back such DVDs you'll need external programs or something like a xine_dvd_plugin that can handle DVD authentification/descrambling.

As of xine 0.5 we have introduced a new architecture featuring flexible plugins for various tasks so we can support various other stream types and output devices in the future.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: AC3, ASF, AVI, DivX, DTS, DV, DVD, MOV, MP2, MP3, MP4, OGG/OGM, PNG, RAM, RM/RMVB, VCD, WAV, WMA, WMV, Xvid

OS Compatibility:


Revision History:

Version 0.9.13
  • Release Date: Aug 4, 2002
  • improved audio resampling for cards limited to 16 bits, stereo or mono
  • native wmv7 decoder using ffmpeg
  • enable ffmpeg's native msmpeg4 v1/v2 decoder
  • correct highlight placement for anamorphic and pan&scan menus with DXR3
  • half-way support for widescreen tv sets with DXR3
  • WAV file demuxer
  • SMJPEG file demuxer
  • Id CIN file demuxer
  • FLI file demuxer
  • FLI video decoder
  • Raw RGB video support
  • Raw YUV video support
  • Microsoft RLE decoder
  • AAC decoder (FAAD2 library)
  • Reworked ALSA audio support
  • demux_qt improvements to handle .mp4
  • initial support of Quicktime6 files
  • image redraw in paused mode (for window resize, adjusts etc)
  • skip by chapters GUI enhancement
  • deliver frame statistics only if frames have been skipped/dropped

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