The free Heroes HD DVD offer has expired. The 5 free HD DVD movies by redemption offer is still valid.
$190 worth of free stuff plus the Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on drive for only $180? Sounds too good to be true? It's not.
Right now at Amazon, if you buy the add-on drive for your Xbox 360 console, you get Heroes - Season 1 on HD DVD
(on sale for $69.95 from Amazon) as a free gift. Plus, you can also redeem 5 free HD DVD movies - choose from a list of 15 hits and classics such as Babel, Full Metal Jacket, Troy and The Hulk. And don't forget that the box comes with Peter Jackson's King Kong HD DVD, so that's an additional 6 free HD DVD movies. Let's say that these HD DVD movies retail for $20 each (most for more, actually), so that's $189.95 worth of free movies for something that only costs $179.99. Not bad!
Don't forget that the HD DVD add-on drive also doubles as an external HD DVD-ROM drive for your PC (Guide: Using the Xbox 360 HD DVD Add-on Drive in Windows), so even if you don't have an Xbox yet, but do have a powerful PC that is ready for HD DVD playback, then you might still want to buy the drive while this special offer lasts.
And if that's not enough, the pack includes the Xbox 360 Universal Media Remote (which retails for $29.99), which you can use to control your TV, DVD, Media Center PC, and of course your Xbox 360. It's backlit too, for button jabbing in the dark.
Here's the purchase link for this special offer: