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Game Designer Urges Gamers to Pirate His Game, following Game's Ban in Australia

Posted by: , 17:57 AEDT, Sun January 18, 2015

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Hotline Miami 2's designer calls on gamers to pirate the game in Australia, due to the game's banning in that country
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Image/Photo Credit: Devolver Digital

The game designer of a game that has been banned in Australia has urged gamers to pirate the game when it is released.

The sequel to the indie hit Hotline Miami, which has yet to be released, was banned in Australia due to an implied rape scene in the game, despite the country's recent introduction of an adult 18+ rating for video games. The short scene in question does initially portray the player's character engaged in an act of sexual assault, only to be revealed moments later that it was all part of a staged scene at a film shoot, and no actual assault has taken place.

This act of censorship has angered one of the game's designers, Jonatan Söderström. So much so that he has urged the game's disappointed Aussie fans to pirate the game when it is released.

"If it ends up not being release in Australia, just pirate it after release. No need to send us any money, just enjoy the game!" Söderström said in an email.

The chief financial officer of the game's publisher, Devolver Digital, confirmed that Söderström's email was genuine and also did not try to persuade gamers from pirating the game in Australia.

So while most game developers and publishers are severely disappointed when gamers decide to choose the piracy route, this is one of the few times that piracy is not only not discouraged, but encouraged.


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