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PotPlayer is a free multimedia player based on KMPlayer that aims to offer improved playback and customization support
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 191211 (details)
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
License: Ad-ware
Last Updated:
Page Viewed: 1232485 times


Download: PotPlayerSetup.exe   PotPlayerSetup.exe

Description:Download PotPlayer, latest stable 32-bit version
Version:191211 (added Dec 15, 2019 - view changelog)
Size:26.79 MB

Download: PotPlayerSetup64.exe   PotPlayerSetup64.exe

Description:Download PotPlayer, latest stable 64-bit version
Version:191211 (added Dec 15, 2019 - view changelog)
Size:27.19 MB

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PotPlayer is from the same author as The KMPlayer, and aims to provide a free, improved multimedia player with an emphasis on easy customization.

It supports features such as seamless playback (up to 1000 files can be loaded and played back one after the other, seamlessly), support for madVR/HR/EVR and Reclock, auto-resume on the last 200 played files, and of course, support for all the popular video formats.

PotPlayer is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: AVI, DivX, H.264, MKV, MP4, MPG, WMV, Xvid

OS Compatibility:

Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7

Revision History:

Version 191211
  • Release Date: Dec 15, 2019
  • Download(s):
  • * Changed the PotPlayer version to date
    + Added H/W HDR output function to Built-in D3D11 Renderer
    + Fixed an issue that stopped when exclusive screen output was used with the Built-in D3D11 Renderer
    + Added Kurdish translation
    + Added the ability to dim the output (dark mode) when using system menu
    + Added the ability to use MPC Video Renderer
    + Added Yandex subtitle translation
    - Fixed a problem that played fast when playing certain ASF/WMV files
    - Fixed an issue where the last item was not cleared when saving the playback skip to an external file
    - Fixed an issue where the title was not changed when processing ASX playlist
    - Fixed DPI-Aware v2 action
    - Fixed an issue where the monitor name didn't appear in full screen settings
    - Fixed an issue that malfunctioned when cue file was specified in multiple media
    - Improved 10-bit output processing
    - Fixed an issue where no subtitles appeared when playing certain dvd ifo files
    - Fixed an issue that navigated certain MKV files slowly
View complete revision history

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