multi-CD/multi-drive support / auto-eject on Win9x/ME
AVI multilanguage/multistream support up to 4 audio streams
You can enter original movie title & movie title in your native language seperately
Bonus/Trailer/Making Of support (every AVI except the main movie can be tagged as whatever you want)
AMDb (the offline IMDb) support for updating genre/year/cast/plot
codec detection for most common audio/video formats (DivX, DivX 4.0, Cinepak, MP3, PCM - If you want a codec to be included, sent me the 4CC/Audio# and description)
intelligent quick search, jups to the first match in the movie list (o-title/title)
Normal search (o-title/title/genre/encoder/year/plot/cast/stream language(s))
selective export to text/csv-files which can be read by any database (i.e. M$ Excel)