The release candidate 1 for
DGMPGDec 1.4.6 has been released. The new version fixes the problem with truncation of last few bytes of the demuxed M2V file.
A new version of
DVDSubEdit is also available. The new version fixes a bug in the re-timing routine that could cause invalid subpics to be generated, added a log for debug and additional info and the "Show only modified" button is reset when all subpics are reloaded from file.
A new version of
ProgDVB is also available, but no changelog was published.
DGMPGDec 1.4.6 RC 1 released - A MPEG-1/2 decoder and framesever, designed to fix faults with DVD2AVI and MPEG2DEC
DVDSubEdit 0.81 Beta released - A tool that allows you to visually modify DVD subtitles directly within VOB files
ProgDVB 4.71.4 released - A DVB-S (satellite) playback software supporting cards with hardware playback for television and radio broadcasts