ConvertXtoDVD Updates to Version 2.0.13
Posted by: Jonathan M, 23:28 AEST, Mon June 19, 2006 |
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ConvertXtoDVD is better known as "DivxToDVD" |
Here is the chnage log:
- - 0000145: [Feature Request] change positioning of "change settings for this subtitle"
- - 0000159: [Bug] Russian characters in the title show up as ???
- - 0000167: [Bug] SRT parsing bug when time contains points instead of comma
- - 0000086: [Bug] Stutter at chapter points
- - 0000112: [Bug] Subtitles only appear in the first chapter.
- - use latest burning sdk ( 2.0.20 )
posted by: Jonathan M, 12:23 AEST, Fri August 11, 2006
posted by: Jonathan M, 00:45 AEST, Sun July 2, 2006
posted by: Sean F, 19:54 AEDT, Sun February 5, 2006
posted by: Sean F, 20:53 AEDT, Fri January 13, 2006
posted by: Jonathan M, 16:57 AEST, Mon April 24, 2006