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Sony To Combat 'Root Key Leak' With Serial Keys?

Posted by: , 14:45 AEDT, Sat January 22, 2011

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Sony may introduce unique serial keys to future PS3 games to combat the recent security debacle of their own making

Sony's response to the recent leak of the root key for the PS3, which opens up the console to all sorts of piracy, may be to introduce something that PC gamers have long gotten used to: serial keys!

A Dutch websites posted a story in which insiders claimed that Sony will introduce serial keys for upcoming games, each key unique to the disc in question. Gamers will have to enter the serial in before they can play, and this would then lock the game to the gamer's PSN account and also to the PS3 used in question. Each code can be used up to 5 times.

While this is all a rumour at the moment, Sony is unlikely to not respond in some way to the recent hack, which has left the console in a very perilous sate.

Many games today already feature online serial codes, in which if gamers wish to play online, they must enter in the one-time serial key. People who purchase second hand copies would then have to buy another serial key, if they wish to do so online. 

If Sony is to introduce serial keys to all games, not just the online portions, then this would have a drastic effect on second hand game sales.

What do you think of Sony's potential new security measure? Too much of a hassle, or necessary to keep the platform viable for developers? Post your opinion in our comments section below or in our forum:


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