The results and analysis for Blu-ray (and DVD) sales for the week ending 9th April 2011 has just been posted. And it was an amazing week for Blu-ray, with the format breaking through the 25% and 26% market share barrier, thanks largely to Tron: Legecy and the original Tron movie re-release. In fact, Tron occupied 3 spots in the top 10 (the 2-movie collection, which was a Blu-ray exclusive, also managed to rank). The other new releases weren't too bad either, with Little Focker and the latest Narnia movie.
But while Blu-ray did well, DVD did less so, rising only moderately compared to one of the worst weeks for DVD sales last year (the annual post-Easter lull). The trend is clear, Blu-ray is not replacing lost DVD sales. Maybe digital downloads, streaming and rental are also helping to offset lost DVD sales, but it won't be enough. It could be the poor economy that's the problem, and if so, perhaps Blu-ray is more resilient as it is a new, premium format that probably represents better value for money given the extra features that's included in a typical Blu-ray release, particularly the combos. Also, both Tron: Legacy, and last week's top release, Tangled, were both available on 3D Blu-ray, and that will have also helped the Blu-ray numbers.
You can read the rest of the stats and analysis here.