More Ultra HD Blu-ray rips appear on the scene, and nobody knows how they were ripped
Pirates have uploaded more movies that have apparently been ripped from Ultra HD Blu-ray sources, sparking talk that the disc format's chief copy protection scheme, AACS 2.0, has been cracked.
Following the ripping and upload of the first ever Ultra HD Blu-ray title in early May, more UHD titles, including 'Patriots Day' and 'Inferno', have found their way onto piracy sites.
While it's clear that the sources for these movies are pristine 4K Ultra HD copies most likely sourced from Ultra HD Blu-ray discs, it's unclear how they were able to be ripped, as these disc's AACS 2.0 protection has not been cracked yet.
As TorrentFreak reports, speculation is mounting that some kind of private exploit that release groups have managed to find, allowing them to bypass the usual security protocols preventing just this sort of thing.
While the number of UHD Blu-ray releases may still grow, there's still not a lot of people willing to download these super high resolution movies. The main reason? Each of these movies are around 50GB in size!