This is the version history page for AAC ACM Codec, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 1.9
- Release Date: Jul 22, 2012
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- By request the x86 version now works on Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows NT 4.
Version 1.8
- Release Date: Oct 1, 2011
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- Fixed incorrect responses to ACMDM_FORMAT_DETAILS query which would confuse Windows ACM in some cases.
Version 1.7
- Release Date: Jul 2, 2011
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- Updated .inf and .bat files provided by ale5000. If you are using one of the batch files to install the codec on Windows Vista or higher, you must right click the .bat file and select "Run as Administrator".
Version 1.6
- Release Date: Mar 21, 2011
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- Due to implicit PS, libfaad2 always decodes in stereo even when the AAC should be mono. This version will downmix the decoded data to mono when appropriate.
Version 1.5
- Release Date: Mar 20, 2011
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- This version ignores the id bit of ADTS headers to fix a compatibility issue.
- New .inf and .bat files are provided courtesy of ale5000.
Version 1.4
- Release Date: Mar 10, 2011
- Download(s):
- * A PCM stereo downmix from a multichannel AAC source is now available if the client requests it.
* Moved registry storage location to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\fccHandler\AACACM
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