Digital Digest -> Software -> VideoReDo TVSuite with H.264 -> History & Old Downloads

VideoReDo TVSuite with H.264 -> Version History

This is the version history page for VideoReDo TVSuite with H.264, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here.


Version Beta
  • Release Date: Jan 16, 2020
  • TVSuite V6 - Released 2020-01-09
    [Change] ES Muxing: Added support for HEVC files elementary streams.
    [Change] NVEnc H264: Check if overridden profile level is sufficient for requested encode. Auto raise the level if necessary.
    [Fix] MPEG2 navigation: If GOP is closed, navigating back one frame will get stuck and move forward one frame.
    [Fix] German translation: Increased text width on the Tools>Options and output profile pages.
    [Fix] H.264 output: IDR frame cutting putting 25000/1001 frame rate in SPS instead of 25000/1000. (broke in 810b)
    [Fix] Output: TVSuite when normalizing with transitions enabled, output could stall at the end of the file.
    [Fix] Profile editor: Advanced encoding options for MPEG2, H264 and HEVC not being displayed.
    [Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) If video dimension preset set to "Same as source" unable to reset dimensions using preset.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Dec 29, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-12-26)
    [Fix] Split scenes output: Internal value of outOptions.m_outputDuration is incorrect when doing split scenes, messes up moov atom allocation.
    [Fix] Profile editor: Preset doesn't retain "Same as source" in grid
    [Fix] Profile editor: Updated grid to new normalization format
    [Fix] Profile editor: Match Source didn't support 4k
    [Fix] HEVC output: Fix problem in CheckAndAdjustSync which caused sync adjust to not work.
    [Fix] HEVC: Improve detection of corrupted stream by comparing Pic order count to original PTS.
    [Fix] DVD authoring: Adding a chapter mark causes DVD to begin playing at the chapter mark instead of start of video.
    [Fix] H264 output: Possible pixelation at cut points for H264 files using smart editing with transitions.
    [Fix] HEVC: Thumbnail display showing incorrect frames if the left most frame is a RASL slice.
    [Fix] Output: Splitting scenes and saving to mp4 will under allocate area for MOOV atom.
    [Fix] DVR-MS: Output to DVR-MS will crash if there is a thumbnail image in the source metadata (WM/Picture).
    [Fix] MPEG2 navigation: Doing an I-frame seek and then pressing right arrow/next frame jumps full GOP instead of 1 frame.
    [Fix] MPEG2 thumbnails: Not displaying correctly, out of order or missing frames. Broke in 810.
    [Fix] H.264: Smart encoding of H.264 could have incorrect frame rate in SPS at cut point.
    [Change] Log file: (VRDPro) Show user name in log file rather than the "DE...." string.
    [Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) If video dimension preset set to "Same as source" unable to reset dimensions using preset.
    [Fix] Profile editor (VRDPro) Setting Transition type to "Fade" doesn't persist.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Nov 29, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-11-28)
    [Change] GUI: Up/down arrow changed to be the same as V5. Up now moves towards beginning of video, Down towards the end.
    [Change] Intel Quick Sync: Default IDR interval for Quick Sync is 0 and should be 1 to create VPS, SPS, PPS for each GOP.
    [Change] MPEG2 thumbnails: Speed up display of thumbnails by NOT writing all temporary AC3 frame errors to the log file.
    [Change] MPEG2 thumbnails: Speed up display of thumbnails by decoding fewer frames.
    [Change] NVEnc: Tools>Options>GPU encoding, NVEnc Info shows more information about what features are supported for each codec.
    [Change] Time code entry: Allow semi-colon as separator in addition to period and colon.
    [Fix] AC3: Recoding to AC3 creates invalid audio stream. Broken in 809b.
    [Fix] Audio transitions: Sync error if channel count changes in the middle of a transition.
    [Fix] GUI: Complete upgrade from task dialog, wouldn't bring up correct page.
    [Fix] Joiner save: Will auto close VideoReDo after joiner save if there's no video file open in video window.
    [Fix] Joiner: On two pass joining doing audo normalize, it was possible to get audio from last file at start of first file.
    [Fix] Joiner: On two pass joining, file counter (1/x) in output status dialog was stuck at (x/x) in second pass.
    [Fix] LXF: (VRDPro) LXF muxer not flushing partial audio and video frames at end of file.
    [Fix] MPEG2 encoding: Not sending frame_rate to the encoder.
    [Fix] NVEnc/QuickSync: H264 SEI captions encoded via NVEnc or Intel QuickSync not playing in VLC.
    [Fix] Navigation: Unable to seek program or transport stream files > 7+ hours.
    [Fix] Output Profile: Clicking on Advanced audio in save dialog profile option, causes crash.
    [Fix] Video playback: Setting display aspect ratio on T>O>Playback devices only works for MPEG2, should work for H264 and HEVC.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-11-16)

    [Enhancement] Ad-detective: When non-interactive ad-detective is finished, play a different sound from a normal file save.
    [Change] DVD output: Internal DVD authoring logic changed to better fit current architecture.
    [Change] GUI: Remove "Use new style file and folder dialogs" from Shift+Tools>Options>Manual.
    [Change] Output Profile: H264 advanced encoding options, added option to disable 8x8 transform.
    [Change] Output Profile: Remove MPEG4 from list of output codecs.
    [Change] Output: Disable transitions when doing QSF.
    [Fix] AC3 encoder: Fixed memory leak.
    [Fix] Activation: Automatic activation not working for all users, manual activation works.
    [Fix] Ad-detective: Add tooltip text to the two icons (pencil and X) in the profile section of the dialog.
    [Fix] BOB deinterlacer: Deinterlacer would crash if output height was not a multiple of 16. Such as 1920x1080.
    [Fix] DVD: Adding a project to DVD splits scenes and uses time codes are description instead of using the file name.
    [Fix] DVD: Background of menu screen is distorted.
    [Fix] DVD: Burning not working in V6.
    [Fix] GUI: Go to time code, using ctrl+v to paste a time code doesn't work.
    [Fix] GUI: Pressing "abort" during save, removes the last added to the cut list.
    [Fix] H.264: Dual pass encoding might stall on second pass.
    [Fix] H.264: Software encoder will error / abort if interlaced and weighted_p frames requested. Disabled weighted_p for interlace.
    [Fix] HEVC: QSF of HEVC source to MP4 file might hang.
    [Fix] Installer: Not setting language code correctly from the installer.
    [Fix] MKV: Wrong frame rate being written to MKV files. (Actually value is frame duration in nsec).
    [Fix] MPEG2 encoding: Memory leak in the mpeg2 encoder could cause application to run out of memory if the output file is > 1.5 GB.
    [Fix] MPEG2 video: Intermittent crash when seeking to end of file. Could also trigger crash at end of ad-detective.
    [Fix] MPEG2 video: Save would stall if source is program stream and audio packets at cut point didn't have a PTS.
    [Fix] MPEG2 video: Wouldn't demux AC3 audio with DVD audio header when the audio header block had an offset of 0.
    [Fix] Output Profile: Intelligent recoding of uncompressed source has really low output bit rate.
    [Fix] Output: File save not letting user specify child folders if default directory in output profile isn't blank.
    [Fix] Profile editor: Changing the file extension causes a crash.
    [Fix] QSF dialog: Manually entering a file name into Input file edit box doesn't work, need to press "Select file".
    [Fix] QSF: If suggested output file name exists it should suggest a new unique one.
    [Fix] WTV output: Non-english characters in the metadata are being messed up in the output file.
    [Fix] (VRDPro) Included missing HEVC support libraries and DLLs.

    TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
    [Fix] File open: Unable to open video files > 0.5 GB (broken in build 807)

    TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-21)
    [Change] Profile editor: Re-arrange items in "General" and "Video" groups to be more logical.
    [Fix] VList files: Fix to handle unicode folder names. Changed format of .vlst to be .xml.
    [Fix] HEVC: Output would hang if saving to MP4 and first frame of GOP was CRA_NUT instead of IRAP_NUT.
    [Fix] GUI: Purchase link from TVSuite help menu points to TVSuite V5 instead of TVSuite V6.
    [Fix] HEVC output: Intelligent output of HEVC should always use the software encoder and ignore the T>O>Stream encoder setting.
    [Fix] GUI: Intermittent crash on video close which can also occur when opening a 2nd video.
    [Fix] MP4 muxing: Saving to MP4 could trigger DTS greater than PTS.
    [Fix] Ad-detective: When starting ad-detective automatically disable deinterlacer.
    [Fix] Ad-detective: When pause on add scene marker is enabled, video would pause a few seconds after the scene marker.
  • Release Date: Oct 13, 2019
    • New: Output Profiles: Added option to set the encoding bit depth.
    • New: Added "Split scenes" to a dropdown menu on the save button in the file save dialog,
    • Fix: MP4/MKV chapter code re-written. Joiner output creates chapters. Removed "chapter at zero" option, now automatic. Occasional mux failure due to invalid MKV chapter fixed.
    • Fix: If VRD already open, open a file via file association wouldn't always work.
    • Fix: MP4/MKV files with MPEG2 video and AAC audio wouldn't open.
    • Fix: QSF of DVD using profile with split scenes caused error.
    • Fix: If VRD already open, open a file via file association wouldn't always work.
    • Fix: NVidia encoder, aspect ratio not being set correctly at all video dimensions.
    • Fix: MPEG2, unable to run QSF on some files. QSF thought the files were elementary streams.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Oct 6, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-10-04)
    [Change] MKV: When saving MKV with chatpers, added a chapter starting at 0, just like MP4.
    [Fix] Shell: If TVSuite already open, opening a file via file association doesn't always open due to unicode issue.
    [Fix] MP4: MP4 & MKV files with MPEG2 video and AAC audio won't open.
    [Fix] NVEnc: Remove dual pass option for NVidia encoding.
    [Fix] Key entry: If upgrade token entered, user prompted to if they want to open the upgrade wizard in a browser window.

    [Change] Profile grid: (VRDPro) Change "Aspect correction" label to "Crop & Border".
    [Fix] Profile grid: (VRDPro) Interactive cropping option no longer available.

Version Beta
  • Release Date: Sep 30, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-09-29)
    [Enhancement] Output Profile: Added option to set the encoding bit depth, this will trigger auto-recode if different from source.
    [Enhancement] Save: Added dropdown to Save button in output dialog to enable split scenes. Advanced profile option still supported.
    [Change] AdScan not saving vprj from batch
    [Change] GUI: Key entry dialog would show registered users as '0 days expiration'. Now shows 'License has been installed.'
    [Change] GUI: Tools>Options>General, new option: "On save auto show 'Select file' dialog.
    [Change] Key entry: Check for upgrade token being entered and ask user if they want to open the upgrade wizard.
    [Change] QSF of DVD using profile with "split scenes" caused error
    [Change] VRDPro: Change betas so that it now expires using a new beta key which can be re-entered.
    [Fix] COM: vp.vbs sample script wasn't updated to use videoredo6 COM object.
    [Fix] Chapters: Chapter numbering goes from 0 to 2 instead of 1 to 2.
    [Fix] GUI: If user entered upgrade token into key entry, would be redirected to purchase page rather than upgrade wizard.
    [Fix] GUI: If video dimensions change, on-screen display was showing [0x0] instead correctly showing revised dimensions.
    [Fix] H.264: Possible sync issue when cutting H.264 files. Not handling end of cut properly in all cases.
    [Fix] HEVC/H.264: Aspect ratio not being set correctly for H.264/HEVC software encoding when encoding from 1920 to 720x576
    [Fix] MKV: Chapter marks can sometimes create MKV muxer errors.
    [Fix] MPEG2 video: Unable to run QSF on some files even though they would open. The QSF thought they were ES streams.
    [Fix] NVidia encoder: Encoding aspect ratio not correct. Being set to encoding dimensions instead of output profile.
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2019
    • Fix: Removed some beta test warnings accidently left in Build 802.
  • Release Date: Sep 15, 2019
    • New: Version 6 - Initial release
    • New: HEVC support
    • New: Unicode file name support
    • New: Smooth video and audio transitions
    • New: AC3 encoding
    • New: NVidia GPU encoding support
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Sep 1, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-08-30)
    [Enhancement] NVidia encoder: Added NVidia surface type selection (auto, cuda, dx11) to Tools>Options>GPU encoders.
    [Enhancement] NVidia encoder: Added support for Cuda surfaces (in addition to DX11) allowing NVEnc to work on Win 7.
    [Enhancement] Output Profile: Advanced audio, added optional language code to each output audio stream.
    [Enhancement] Output Profile: Simplified setting of audio level processing into 3 functions: Normalize, Auto gain, raise/lower level.
    [Change] GUI: Removed "Apply VRD Version to Log" from Tools>Options>Manual.
    [Change] GUI: Removed "User Batch Command" from shift+Tools>Options. Hasn't been used since TVSuite V4.
    [Change] GUI: Warn user if VRDPro styled key entered into TVSuite.
    [Change] HEVC: If opening 10-bit HEVC file, warn user that output will be transcoded to 8-bit. (Until 10bit encoder is working)
    [Change] HEVC: If opening HEVC 4:2:2 file in TVSuite V6 warn that this is a VRD Pro function.
    [Change] Tools>Options: Changed old category label "Hardware encoding" to new label: "GPU encoders"
    [Fix] HEVC: Error if opening file that didn't have frame rate in the header or video stream (such as converting from MP4 to TS)
    [Fix] HEVC: If doing 2 pass audio such as normalization and smart editing, output could hang.
    [Fix] HEVC: SEI pict_struct values not being cleared on new NALs causing frame timing to possibly be wrong.
    [Fix] TS muxer not passing through language code

Version Beta
  • Release Date: Aug 16, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-08-14)
    [Enhancement] File save dialog: Now saves "Favorites Only" option even if you Cancel dialog
    [Change] MKV: Remove extra data block from MKV files to better support multiple parameter sets.
    [Change] MP4/HEVC: If saving HEVC to MP4 the first output GOP will ALWAYS be recoded in order to create a unique parameter set.
    [Change] Output Profile: Lower minimum AC3 bit rate for 5.1 audio to be 192 Kbps instead of 384 Kbps.
    [Change] Stream internals: (VRDPro) In NAL viewer holding down the shift key and clicking previous/next frame does a GOP jump.
    [Fix] Default profiles: Various iPhone & Android profiles listed in the install wizard were missing.
    [Fix] GDI: GDI driver wouldn't correctly display 4:2:2 video content.
    [Fix] H.264 output: Fade in could cause crash if first frame after fade-in occurs before I-frame in decoding order.
    [Fix] HEVC source: Save error if source is HEVC without AUD and container is MKV or MP4.
    [Fix] Install wizard: Fixed selection of allowed default profiles. Added some older Apple and Android profile options.
    [Fix] MKV: HEVC encoder could error out if level_idc in profile was too low. Now checks and bumps level_idc if necessary.
    [Fix] MKV: On some files, first GOP would not be displayed or saved.
    [Fix] MKV: Saving MKV to MP4 wouldn't play on iOS. Changed hev1 to hvc1.
    [Fix] Output Profile: Some settings not sticking: Encoding type, Flip, Audio channel mode, and Normalize.
    [Fix] Profile: In TVSuite, can't persist dual pass or CRF output 'Encoder mode:' settings.
    [Fix] Project files: V6 project files have a BOM at the beginning and shouldn't.
    [Fix] Tools>Options>Startup: Prevent settings files from Version 5 from being imported. Only Version 6 settings can be imported.
    [Documentation] COM documenation: Program Duration as reported by FileGetProgramInfo is in 90KHz ticks, NOT seconds.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Aug 1, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-07-30)
    [Change] H.264 output: Moderate speed on some files when outputting with transitions.
    [Change] GUI: Warn user if diagnostic is set to advanced and let them reset it to medium.
    [Fix] MP4/MKV muxing: MP4/MKV output of some files can trigger pixelated playback in MPC-HC & VLC.
    [Fix] HEVC: Fixed problem parsing HRD parameters which prevented file from opening.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Jul 14, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-07-13)
    [Fix] GUI: Output profile editing: there were missing translations in the drop-down control.
    [Fix] GUI: Shortcuts/hotkeys not recognized on Chinese language systems. Can also crash when creating new hot key mappings.
    [Fix] GUI: Entering a UNC output path in file save, QSF save, or ES save shows "Invalid output file" message.
    [Fix] HEVC: Incorrect frame rate due to overflow error if vui_time_scale or vps_time_scale has a large value.
    [Fix] Joiner: Joiner list sometimes has an extra 0:00-0:00 segment as first item. Introduced with build 797.
    [Fix] Output Profile: False "unable to set output options" if NVEnc is the default encoder.
    [Fix] Transport stream: If "ignore transport stream map" enabled, stream detector could interpret MPEG2 as HEVC.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Jul 1, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-06-30)
    ** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
    [Enhancement] GUI: Support for registration names with unicode characters.
    [Enhancement] Joiner: Adding a project to the joiner adds the title and each scene separately rather than as one project.
    [Change] H.264 & HEVC: Added support to detect and report colorPrimaries, TransferMatrix, etc.
    [Change] NVidia encoder: Automatically adjust NVEnc encoder settings by polling encoder for capabilities such as interlace, chroma, etc.
    [Fix] Titling: Adding title to source video with 24 bit audio adds incorrect number of silent audio fr
    [Fix] Profiles: Max bitrate didn't always cause recode if the source file didn't have a max bit rate. Mostly affected HEVC & H.264
    [Fix] GUI: Disable internal frame cache used to display thumbnails for MPEG2 files. Similar to V5 behavior.
    [Fix] Joiner: Loading a joiner project without having an open video could crash application on save. (Project files won't work).
    [Fix] Batch: Added "default settings" and "Current settings" to AdScan profile list.
    [Fix] GUI: Tools>Options>Playback, Widen dialog box and some strings.
    [Fix] HEVC: Unable to open file is it contained "filler data" (FD) NALs.
    [Fix] HEVC: Unable to open transport stream file if first frame in the file didn't have VPS, SPS, PPS.
    [Fix] H264: Sync error when saving when there are missing POC but GOP otherwise plays OK.
    [Fix] GUI: Hotkeys wouldn't work if language other than English is selected.
    [Fix] GUI: Selecting Czech as the language code wouldn't stick and TVSuite would revert back to English.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Jun 16, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-06-13)
    ** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
    [Enhancement] GUI: Support for language translations. Set via Tools>Options>Start up.
    [Fix] Joiner save: Throws codec ASSERT in DoesContainerSupportVideoCodec if saving from joiner list with no open file.
    [Fix] DVD authoring: Should force audio recode if audio is AC3 and bit rate greater than 448Kbps.
    [Fix] DVD: DVDs should automatically auto rotate videos.
    [Fix] Save dialog: Changed Video codec from H264 to HEVC and output container changed from MP4 to Elementary streams.
    [Fix] Container changes when changing the codec
    [Fix] Audio transitions: If audio transitions enabled, saving AC3 file to TS converts audio to AAC rather than recoding to AC3.
    [Fix] HEVC: Fixed transport stream reader to support HEVC files when the PMT isn't present or is incorrect.
    [Fix] HEVC: Fixed problem parsing HRD parameters in a UDH file which could cause a crash.
    [Fix] NVidia encoder: Encoding to H.264 interlaced would create two images of the frame on the output.
    [Fix] Tivo: Trying to open a Tivo file with bad MAK gives "out of memory" error rather than proper error message.
    [Fix] HEVC: Frame rate is incorrect due to rounding error when vps_time_scale and vps_num_units_in_tick are large values.
    [Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) When creating new output profile from Save Video dialog, changed name not retained.
    [Fix] Profile grid: (VRDPro) "Enable Audio Transitions" should be gray if video transitions set to "None".
Version Beta
  • Release Date: May 27, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-05-24)
    ** Updated Beta Expiration Date **
    [Enhancement] Chapters: Add option to Tools>Options>Chapters to create a chapter marker at start of each joiner project.
    [Enhancement] GUI: Add option to rotate the video being displayed (0, 90, 180, 270) for when the rotation metadata isn't set in the file.
    [Enhancement] Output Profiles: Frame rate change algorithm on the advanced tab. Options: Fractional or Blend.
    [Enhancement] Profile: Add new output option drop down, frame rate method. Needs to flow into the outputOptionsBase
    [Enhancement] Transitions: Added new checkbox to T>O>Transitions, Enable audio transitions.
    [Enhancement] GUI: Option to rotate the video during playback.
    [Change] Output Profile: TVSuite profile dialog, change label "Encoding type:" to "Encoding codec:" or "Output codec".
    [Change] Profiles: Change the default intelligent bit rate percentages to from HEVC.
    [Fix] EAC3 audio: Switching from 5.1 to 2.0 channels during playback can cause an application crash.
    [Fix] H.264 MXF: (VRDPro) Time code and number of frames reported in the info box too high by 1.
    [Fix] H.264 output: Fade out at last cut of file not working.
    [Fix] H.264 output: Very long sections of missing audio can trigger a video buffer overflow and hang output.
    [Fix] H.264 playback: Missing source file audio during playback could trigger navigation and playback issues.
    [Fix] H.264: Smart encoding with transitions could create pixelation at cut start after transition completes.
    [Fix] HEVC: Limit maximum number of decoding threads to 16 to prevent random crashes while editing.
    [Fix] HEVC: SPS parsing error on st_ref_pic_sets could cause crash.
    [Fix] HEVC: When transcoding using QuickSync, force output to progressive.
    [Fix] Joiner save: Scene markers aren't in the source projects aren't being saved as output chapters. Only cuts are.
    [Fix] Joiner: Hard coded error message in MPEGEdit3Dlg
    [Fix] Manage profiles: When importing, import dialog resizing not working, and can't change the width of the row headers
    [Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro) Frame rate method only showing if frame rate is no-change. Should be if frame rate is set.
    [Fix] Output Profile: (VRDPro), Unable to turn off Transition Options type checkbox.
    [Fix] Output Profile: Advanced setting, MPEG2 to H.264 always reverts to 70, does not retain value.
    [Fix] Output Profile: Advanced setting, unable to Set MPEG2 to H.264 less than 50.
    [Fix] Output Profile: Unable to change parameters for default profiles.
    [Fix] Output Profile: Unable to set rotation and other parameters in output profile with SAS codec.
    [Fix] SCTE-35: (VRDPro) If Advance goes negative display as 0 or negative number.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: May 11, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-05-09)
    ** Updated beta expiration date **
    [Fix] Titling: Saving video with added title can hang.
    [Fix] H.264/HEVC output: Deinterlacing MPEG2 files with 3:2 pulldown to AVC or HEVC can cause combing.
    [Fix] H.264 output: Some teletext captions causing slow "fast frame copy" on output.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Apr 25, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-24)
    ** Updated beta expiration date ** 
    Change log to be posted shortly.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Apr 19, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-16)
    [Fix] HEVC: M2TS output file type wasn't allowed and should be.
    [Fix] MP4 output: AAC-HE at 48000/24000 being recoded to 64000/32000.
    [Fix] HEVC: Opening HEVC files would crash application if CPU wasn't late model with AVX2 support.
    [Fix] H.264 smart encoding: Could crash at end of file or cut end of recoded buffer wasn't previously enlarged.
    [Fix] Caption display: Improve stability of 608/708 caption display when non-reference frames are dropped during playback.
    [Fix] Display: For DX11 and GDI drivers, deinterlace setting was reversed.
Version Beta
  • Release Date: Apr 13, 2019
  • TVSuite V6 - (Released 2019-04-05)
    [Fix] HEVC: M2TS output incorrectly triggering an error when saving. Now OK.
    [Fix] MP4 muxing: Saving to MP4 could trigger "non monotonic" DTS output abort.
    [Fix] AC3: Installer missing the AC3 encoder DLL after name was changed.
    [Fix] HEVC: Incorrect of versions of HEVC support files caused crash when saving to HEVC format.

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Total Ratings: 32


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