Digital Digest -> Software -> Video Thumbnails Maker -> History & Old Downloads

Video Thumbnails Maker -> Version History

This is the version history page for Video Thumbnails Maker, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here.


  • Release Date: Jun 14, 2024
  • Download(s):
  • Updated to v26.0.0.1

    •  new: The selected output file types are highlighted below the corresponding button in the Environment window.

    Updated to v26.0.0.0

    •  new: The "Create a new folder for each run" checkbox in the Environment window and in the Quick Settings panel. It creates a VTM_Run_00000N folder for each run (click on the Start button) when enabled. The number in the name of the folder is increased every time you run the processing. If the folder exists, VTM will increase the number. The default value is OFF.
    •  new: The Environment window was redesigned.
    •  new: The "Output File Types" button in the Environment window with relevant settings inside.
    •  new: The "Write Logs" checkbox in the Environment -> "Output File Types" window. The default value is ON.
    •  new: VTM lists all available video cards in the startup log.
    •  changed: Audio/Video information module is updated.
    • ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: A S D W hotkeys as an alternative for those who can't use Mouse Scroll or PageUp / PageDown keys.
    •  new: Support of the latest VTM screenlists.
    •  special note: If you use Pictures Thumbnails Maker (PTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because PTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.
  • Release Date: Mar 13, 2024
  • Download(s):
    •  new: Base Presets preview style in the Options window.
    •  new: The "Zoom-in small imported pictures to fit the Tile frame (CSM 1-2)". Default: OFF.
    •  changed: The "Fit Screen AR" has been renamed to the "Adaptive SM".
    •  changed: The "Adaptive SM" is OFF by default to avoid confusion.
    •  fixed: HDR 10-bit support for low resolution video files.
    ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: The "Move deleted files to Recycle Bin" setting in the "Preferences" window. Default: ON.
    •  new: Support of the latest VTM screenlists.
    •  special note: If you use Pictures Thumbnails Maker (PTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because PTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.
  • Release Date: Feb 23, 2024
  • Download(s):
    •  new: The "Fit Screen AR" checkbox in the "Options" window. It automatically adjusts the Simple Matrix for your Screen Aspect Ratio. It is a newer version of the recently added feature. The new one is better, and it works for non-vertical videos. The algorithm is based on the total desired count of Tiles. Default: ON.
    •  new: The Preview feature has been enhanced. New colors and resolutions are used, the Tile number is in the center.
    •  new: Vertical Preview button in the "Options" window.
    •  changed: The installer checks the date of Base Presets not to overwrite the modified ones.
    •  fixed: Numerous bugs in the The Hardcode Times window.
  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2024
  • Download(s):
    • new: The "Automatically adjust Simple Matrix for Vertical Videos" checkbox in the "Options" -> "Miscellaneous" window. VTM will construct the closest matrix to fill the screen. Default: ON.
    •  new: You can create animation files without any additional picture output.
    •  new: GIF animation creation speed has been increased significantly for certain scenarios.
    •  new: H264/H265 animation creation speed has been increased by 30% when using "Magic" processing.
    •  new: Nvidia RTX 40+ users: 30% speedup for creating AV1 animations when using "Magic" processing.
    •  new: The "CPU Load" control for "Magic" processing in the main window. 5 possible values: MIN, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and MAX. You can change the value on the fly. Default: MAX.
    •  new: The "Separate thousands by spaces (2 324 MB vs 2324 MB)" checkbox in the "Options" -> "Miscellaneous" window. Default: ON.
    •  new: The "Display confirmation dialog when closing the Choose Shots Manually window" checkbox in the "Settings" -> "Appearance & Confirmations" window. Default: ON.
    •  changed: Audio/Video information module is updated.
    •  fixed: AV1 and WebM animations were failing randomly when using "Magic" processing.
    •  fixed: Animations with audio were failing with 60+ animation sections.
    •  fixed: Wrong frame rate for certain video files (which also could be a reason for failed animations).
    •  fixed: Rare "-02:-48:-05" issue in the Codec-Independent "Choose shots manually" interface.
    •  fixed: Windows scaling factor does not influence the resolution of the resulting thumbnail sheet anymore.
    •  fixed: Ultimate engine: support of 4:2:2 video chroma subsampling.
    •  fixed: Ultimate engine: support of AV1 10-bit video with Colorspace SMPTE 170M.
    ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: You can select VTX-animation file types separately to display in addition to the "Browse only VTX files and VTM animations" feature in the "Preferences" window. They are: WebP, WebM, MP4, MKV, GIF, OGV.
    •  new: WebP file extension has beend added to the "Choose from disk" PTX-feature file browser.
    •  new: Support of VTM screenlists.
    •  new: Support of PTM thumbnail sheets.
    •  changed: Windows scaling factor does not influence the resolution of displaying pictures anymore.
    •  special note: If you use Pictures Thumbnails Maker (PTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because PTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.
  • Release Date: Mar 30, 2023
  • Download(s):
    •  new: Hardware acceleration for H.265 (HEVC) in the Codec-Independent "Choose Shots Manually" interface.
    •  new: The "HDR10" label in the Video Details for 10-bit HDR videos.

    •  changed: Audio/Video information module is updated.
    •  fixed: Keyframe navigation for H.265 (HEVC) in the Codec-Independent "Choose Shots Manually" interface.
    •  fixed: The "Edit Screenlist" feature in Videonizer did not work correctly in some cases.
    •  fixed: AV1 HDR 10-bit support.
    ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: The "Move Video" feature in the main context menu (hotkey: Ctrl+M).
    •  new: The "Move Both - Video and Picture" feature in the main context menu (hotkey: Ctrl+Shift+M).
Version Version
  • Release Date: Dec 12, 2022
  • Download(s):
    •  changed: Few cosmetic changes.
    ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: Hardware accelerated playback of Animations.
    •  new: The "Show the File Counter Panel (it displays the Current position / Total count of files in the folder)" in the "Preferences".
    •  new: The "Hide File Info Panel completely (when leaving the most right and middle area of the window)" in the "Preferences".
    •  fixed: Different Animation playback drawbacks.
  • Release Date: Nov 12, 2022
  • Download(s):
    •  new: Ultimate and Crystal engines: support of AV1 format has been added.
    •  new: You can create animations in AV1 format (64-bit VTM only) with MP4 and MKV containers. Please refer to the table below for more details (click to view in full size):
    • You can find new animation formats in the "Settings" -> "Animation Settings" window, or in the "Options" -> "Animation" window:
    •  new: The "Prevent collisions" checkbox in the "Settings" -> "Naming scheme" section. It is not recommended to turn it OFF, but still could be useful in some scenarios. The default value is ON.
    •  new: The "Use modern Windows Folder Browser as a Classic Folder Browser" in the "Settings" -> "Appearance & Confirmations" window. You can still use the old one by turning the setting OFF. The default value is ON.
    •  changed: Few cosmetic changes.
Version Version
  • Release Date: Oct 10, 2022
  • Download(s):
    •  new: VTM prevents filename collisions automatically when the "Output folder" is set. VTM adds extra "_(COPY_0001)", "_(COPY_0002)", etc. suffixes when files with the same name are coming from different folders.
    •  new: Spanish translation added.
    •  changed: VTM uses 4-digit system (0000) instead of 3-digit system (000) for file names when needed.
    •  changed: Audio/Video information module is updated.
    •  changed: Few cosmetic changes.
    •  fixed: Numerous issues related to the "Skip" feature for different combinations of Settings and Options.
    •  fixed: Wrong file and folder names in the output for certain combinations of Settings and Options.
    ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: The mouse "Back" button navigates you 1 level back or closes the Viewer.
    •  new: You can use the "T" hotkey to delete the corresponding Video file.
    •  new: You can use the "L" hotkey to delete both the Video and the Screenlist.
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2022
  • Download(s):
    •  new: Bigger windows, controls and fonts for the rest of the app.
    •  new: The "Show Timestamp in frame" checkbox in the "Options" -> "Animation" window. It allows you to show / hide the Timestamp in the animation frame (when the Timestamp is enabled in Options). The default value in ON.
    •  new: The "Dynamic Timestamp in frame" checkbox in the "Options" -> "Animation" window. It allows you to make the Timestamp ticking in the animation frame (when the Timestamp is enabled in Options). The default value in ON.
    •  new: The "Folder" checkbox in the "Options" -> "Technical details". It allows you to display the parent folder name on the screenlist beside the filename. The default value is OFF.
    •  new: The [PARENT FOLDER] tag in the Comment window. Use it to print the parent folder name in the comment section of the screenlist.
    •  changed: Audio/Video module updated.
    •  fixed: Magic: Unexpected crash under certain rare circumstances.
    •  fixed: Magic: Blinking "Please wait" window when the "Delete orphan Screenlists..." setting is on.
    •  fixed: The "Number of Sections" animation option was loaded incorrectly from the VTM Options file.
    •  fixed: The video rotation flag was not taken into account since VTM
    •  fixed: Choose shots manually interfaces 1 and 2 did not take into account video rotation flags.
    •  fixed: User's tile width was ignored when the video rotation was present.
    •  fixed: Missing "Add custom suffix to filenames" text field in the Environment window.
    •  fixed: Corrupted fonts when Clear Type is off in Windows.
    ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: Support for VTM screenlists.
    •  special note: If you use Pictures Thumbnails Maker (PTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because PTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.
  • Release Date: Jul 13, 2022
  • Download(s):
    •  new: Unleash the power of your multi-core CPU with the new Magic Screenlist Generation feature.
    • It is 4-6 times faster than a single task implementation (depends on your CPU and on the task). Unbelievable? Give it a try.
    •  new: You can find the Magic button next to the regular Start button.
    •  new: The Magic Screenlist Generation feature spawns one task per CPU thread. The only exception is when you create an H264/H265 animation - maximum 3 simultaneous tasks in that case. The rest of the functionality is the same.
    •  new: The Magic progress bar on the top of the window displays overall progress. The first number is the number of completed tasks (blue on the bar). The second number is the number of spawned tasks (smoke grey on the bar). The third number (of) is the total number of tasks.
    •  new: The regular per-task progress bars display the currently used engine and the progress itself.
    •  new: When it comes to animations, a different bar is displayed. It contains the type of animation (single framed or not), number of sections x section length, multithreading mode, audio mode, animation format and quality icons. The animation progress bar is displayed on the right in that case (in magenta color).
    •  new: Faster loading of the application.
    •  new: Fresh feel and look of the application. Main windows and fonts have become bigger, the layout has been redesigned a bit.
    •  new: You can open *.VTS files in VTM (double click in your file manager to open a VTS file in VTM).
    •  new: The "Naming scheme" section in the Settings window. The "Based on the Folder name" means to use Parent folder name + raw number addon (like MyFolder_0001.vtx). The "Folder name + File name" means to use Parent folder name + Filename (like MyFolder_MyFilename.mp4.vtx).
    •  new: You can still set the "Naming scheme" individually (override it) by using the right mouse button context menu in the main window.
    •  new: The "Display confirmation dialog when deleting items" checkbox was added to the Settings -> Appearance & Confirmations window.
    •  changed: Removed unnecessary confirmation windows from Choose Shots Manually interfaces.
    •  changed: Audio/Video information module is updated.
    •  changed: Few cosmetic changes.
    •  fixed: Wrong number of animation sections in VTM exported Options files.
    •  fixed: The currently selected item was deleted from the main list instead of the one you had clicked with the delete icon.
    •  fixed: Window height for the Choose Shots Manually interfaces.

    ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: Support for VTM screenlists.
    •  special note: If you use Pictures Thumbnails Maker (PTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because PTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.
  • Release Date: Jan 14, 2022
  • Download(s):
    •  new: Started from this version, screenlists generated in VTM can be edited in Videonizer
    •  new: The "Double-sized Tiles in Choose Shots Manually interfaces" in the "Settings" -> "Appearance". The default value is ON.
    •  fixed: Multiple Aspect Ratio issues related to the Choose Shots Manually interfaces.
    •  fixed: Several minor rare bugs.
    •  fixed: Chinese translation was corrected.

    ----- Changes in Pictures Thumbnails Viewer -----
    •  new: Support for VTM screenlists.
    •  changed: The "Locate Video" hotkey has been changed from F5 to F3.
    •  fixed: Screenlists did not open when VTM executable was not present beside the PTV executable.
    •  special note: If you use Pictures Thumbnails Maker (PTM), you may want to install its latest version too, because PTM uses its own instance of the Viewer. Windows launches the Viewer from the location from which the latest PTM or VTM launch happened.
  • Release Date: Dec 8, 2021
  • Download(s):
    • new: Chinese traduction added.
    • new: New Language selector.
    • new: The "Video Extensions" button in the first start window.
    • new: The flags of Canada, Austria and Switzerland were added to DE and FR languages.
    • changed: *.TS and *.TS2 video extensions are enabled by default.
    • fixed: Engines 1 and 2 did not work properly in the 64-bit version of VTM.
  • Release Date: Nov 25, 2021
  • Download(s):
    •  new: The installator asks for permission to overwrite your Custom Base Presets when detected.
    •  fixed: VTM Options file could not be imported back to VTM after using it in Videonizer v12.2.0.1+.
    •  special note: If you use Videonizer, please install its latest version too.
Version Version
  • Release Date: Nov 19, 2021
  • Download(s):
    •  new: The "Create the Main Screenlist" checkbox in the "Advanced Timeline Control" (Options).
    • Since the Multi-Files feature could try to create extremely high main screenlists (which could be impossible due to memory limitations), a new option was added to turn ON/OFF the creation of the Main Screenlist.
    •  changed: Better "Preview" results for the "Specific timestep" in the "Options".
    •  fixed: The "Multi-Files for the "Specific timestep" feature produced visual glitches in many cases.
    •  fixed: The "Skip video file..." feature did not skip files correctly when the "Multi-Files" feature was enabled along with the "Animation".
Version Version
  • Release Date: Nov 4, 2021
  • Download(s):
    •  new: The "Hardcoded Times" button was added to the both "Choose shots manually" interfaces. You can Load the "Hardcoded Times" (if present) from the current Options set and tune them finely. You can Save all the timestamps to the current Options set and use them later for other files.
    •  fixed: The "Shift + Left Mouse Button" combination did not work in the "(Codec-dependent) Choose shots manually" interface when you clicked on a Tile.
  • Release Date: Nov 1, 2021
  • Download(s):
    •  new: The "Hardcode Times" in Options. Rarely used but still nice to have. You can select (hardcode) Timestamps for your Matrix in a "Choose shots manually" style (all features are present). Later on thumbnails will be taken at the selected points for each file processed with the use of this Options set. The "Choose Shots Manually" interface overrides the "Hardcode Times".
    •  new: The "Save files with the original Date/Time" in the Environment Settings. When the checkbox is ON, output files are saved with the same Date/Time as the original (source) file.

    •  changed: One more way was added to extract Audio bitrate from MKV metadata.
    •  changed: Description of the animation section feature in the "Choose shots manually" interfaces.
    •  changed: Audio/Video module updated.
    •  changed: Few cosmetic changes.
    •  fixed: Possible crash due to the "Out of memory" exception under certain circumstances.
    •  fixed: Fix to the previous version (The "MultiFiles for "Specific timestep"" checkbox in the "Quick Settings" section did not work properly).
    •  fixed: Fix to the previous version (Possible infinite loop when the "Try Substituting for any color frames" option was ON under certain circumstances).
    •  fixed: Fix to the previous version (Black frames in the "(Codec-Independent) Choose shots manually" interface for HEVC-encoded videos).

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