This is the version history page for Winclipdvb, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 3.0.2
- Release Date: Dec 27, 2009
- Download(s):
- Fixed "the parameter is incorrect" for some cards during BDA init
- Fixed very old synchro bug with plugin (can create a app crash)
- Fixed crash with EVR
- Added For BDA dvbs DiseqC 1.0 and 1.2 for
- Hauppauge Twinhan & Prof dvb
(Use parabolus plugin if you want to order a stepper motor)
- increase list max pip channel
Version 3.0.1
- Release Date: Nov 28, 2009
- Download(s):
- Fix bda under windows 7 (and vista in some cases)
- Add EVR support. Light and experimental integration
- Add subtitles on canal+
- Fix : Close application but record is running -> application was hidden
- Fix size of channels list under 7 & vista
- Fix list h264 codec
- Save pip position wnd
- Fix scan debug info in config.ini
- Fix scan dvbs2 option
- Fix transponder scan in channel list
- Other little things
- Since this version, you probably need to install the C++ 2008 Redistributable Package
Version 3.0.0
- Release Date: Oct 15, 2008
- Download(s):
- PiP(s) version
- function filter on channel list
- Possibility to select the port number for streaming (in case of winclip server)
- fix little display bug with status bar
- fix video resize when hide player with skin "media"
- fix analyse pid 18 (epg) on astra
- fix crash in a special case when ask EPG pannel.
Version 2.9.9
- Release Date: Sep 15, 2008
- Add DVB-C (under BDA). Big thanks to md for push me to integrat it and for all tests he did !
You can find a sample - provide by him - of ini file definition for the cable in WinClip ransponders 00.ini
Tested with a Technotrend® dvb-c 1500
- Option directory record (setting -> option)
- possibility to select the directory plugin -> press and keep SHIFT on keyboard and start winclip
- Shorcut in channel list to favori/list of sat
- Remove Class CPannelChannelList (take time to initialize, take memory, and...useless....)
- Spash windows on start
- resize channel list in X is not possible (put it in mini list for do it with the skin Media)
- Sort channel list by transponder (search function in this mood -> search a transponder)
- new scan transponder available from the channel list.
- delete useless option in popup menu
- installation of WinClip is now possible anywhere
- use info "S2" from transponder ini file
- add haali renderer. Request and (good) idea from Md. But seems problem when video card support mpg4 hardware and seems not run under Vista. (Run ok with core avc)
- add diseqc with Neotion. (tested with skypilot, NB1000S double head and NB3000 4 Ports)
in WinClip configuration setting :
- DISEQC LEVEL 1AA -> DiseqC 1.x LNB A
- DISEQC LEVEL 1BA -> DiseqC 1.x LNB B
- DISEQC LEVEL 1AA -> DiseqC 1.x LNB C
- DISEQC LEVEL 1BB -> DiseqC 1.x LNB D
- Add status bar :
- channel name -> click on = channel properties
- Ratio video -> click on = change to manuel 4/3 or 16/9 or auto detection
- Pid audio switch -> click on = change audio pid
- Signal quality - strenght / CPU -> click on = change to quality or CPU or strenght signal
- Egp info -> move mouse on the channel list and will see the current program epg (title)
- fix AC3 tag detection on german channels
- fix some little things in the channels list
- fix epg info when sid are egal on different sat
- fix HD 16/9 and 4/3 detection
- fix task bar appears sometime in full screen
- fix crash when close one filter property
- Add chinese translation. Thanks too "Skyworth Aree"
Version 2.9.8
- Release Date: May 25, 2008
- New schelduler window. previous one was ugly
- Add possibility to record additional audio tracks in the same or other files
- Add support H264/AVC under SS2 driver and streamreader. (Before only available under BDA DVBT and DVBS)
- Add support too for H264/AVC for winclip in mode client.
- Disecq 1.2 SS1 (with DiseqcU plugin). Disecq 1.0 with SS1 still not work.
- Possibility to select push source (universal or Marcel Majoor)
- For neotion, add option "enable or disable info epg" -> for limit the stream
- Fix detection H264/AVC codec in menu setting
- Fix crash on graph properties
- Fix crash when Bda card is running and click on "detect BDA card" in menu setting
- Fix crash when change pid audio and driver didn't initialise
- Fix crash when exit winclip and a record is running
- Fix a nice explosion of memory during scan when you scan 10->20 times the same transponder (and so a crash of the app)
- Fix little issue when change audio pid on the not running channel
- Fix scan problem when PMT > 188 bytes and the next packet is not the previous pid.
- Fix bug when Add a task to schelduler at xxH58 or xxh59 for record
- Add good english translation Thanks to Labe
- Add Dutch language. Thanks to Labe
- Add dvb-t belgium ini file. Thanks to Richard P.
- Add dvb-t german (Regensburg) ini file. Thanks to Dada
Version 2.9.7
- Release Date: Jan 27, 2008
- Add support SS1. Mode Hardware and Software
Server. Possibility now to send the stream to a client type VLC (UDP)
- Add prefered ECM in channel property
- SS2 :Poweroff lnb when quit winclip
- fix option "when start winclip, open the last channel"
- fix a deadlock in channel list
- fix video screen resolution when use a second screen
- fix a little pb when select fullscreen
- fix a little pb with display radio in channel list
- Rewrite the push source direct show syncronisation
- Other little things.
Version 2.9.6
- Release Date: Dec 15, 2007
- Finally, winclip the player is able to play a file ;o).
I integred the great Haali media splitter for do this and remove all my previous work around this.
So if this filter is not installed, impossible to play a file.
- Fix skin all-in-one if installed on other drive that c:
- Fix crash on channel number change
- Channel list : if more than 5 sats -> creation of sat list in alphabetic order
- Add sat function. if sats have same name. name will be "name (x)" (only usefull in few cases)
- drop file enable (player/video/winclip icon)
- fix scroll position in channel list + add up and down buttons.
- Add mini search function in all channel list skins
Version 2.9.5
- Release Date: Nov 17, 2007
- New skin option : skin "all in one"
- twinhan diseqc under BDA (port 1->port 4)
- fix memory link on skin part
- fix a crash on channel change
- Subtitle display in VMR mode now only
- Add total service in menu scan
- fix bug in refresh properties for streamreader dll
- support neotion device NB3000 - 501 - 1000 - Sky Pilot
- Option "Run one CPU" (fix a video stop issue on AMD dual core)
- add portuguese language thanks to hal2000
- Update german language. Thanks to feixen
- fix crash when client network ask for a channel but server don't find it
- add option dualview. -> able now to put Winclip in fullscreen in a second destop screen
Version 2.9.4
- Release Date: Sep 27, 2007
- Add Skin menu
- Add a simple volume info in video windows (VMR7-9)
- fix epg on several days sur mimiq and astra
- option simple click on channel list
- fix mini video windows position under vista
- fix a very nice ReleaseDc on epg windows
- fix windows tray that pass to the first plan sometime.
- other little things
- Add too the firsts Skin release by a WinClip user ! Big thanks to Gunter H.
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