This is the version history page for Autorun Maestro, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 5.1
- Release Date: Aug 19, 2006
- New Features:
- Building upon the recently released Autorun Maestro 5, this new point release adds new file browsing capabilities that makes using the software easier to use when creating or editing your menus.
- Bug Fixes:
- A couple of minor bug fixes in the Menu Editor have also been implemented in this version. This version is a free upgrade for registered users of Autorun Maestro 5.0.
Version 5.0
- Release Date: May 24, 2006
- Autorun Maestro has been expanded to incorporate both graphical (image based) and non-graphical menus. You can now use Windows Buttons and have the background wizard create a generic background for your menu.
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