Merge your AviSynth video editing, script authoring and encoding tools into a single interface to speed up and enhance your video project.

Video Editor |

Script Preview |

Script Editor |
Merge your AviSynth video editing, script authoring and encoding tools into a single interface to speed up and enhance your video project.
- Script editor
- Video Editor
- Internal viewer / player
- Launch your external programs
- Launch encoder application directly from FilmCutter
Main Categories: Edit
Sub Categories:
Input Files: AVS
Output Files: AVS
Windows 2000/Windows XP
Version beta
- Release Date: Jul 28, 2007
- New:
- For the video editor, two new items in the row button menu,
Jump to Start Frame and Jump to End Frame. Another great idea from a user,
thanks towtruck, aka Andy
- Clip preview / edit dialog allows you to trim or extend the clips frames
in a seperate pop up window, more from Andy.
- In the main window menu you will find "Compression dialog" this will show the same video
and audio codexs installed on your computer. The ability to save an *.avi should come
- avsFilmCutter released under an OpenSource license.
- Huge bug in my method of reducing memory leaks when using AviSynth API.
Some users would experience sudden program termination when switching to
a viewer. Fizick, IanB
- Script syntax or AviSynth error should prevent loading the video display.
Error text displayed in Test box, last error retained see
AviSynth Options | Display AviSynth Version
- Loading Script with an error directly using media viewer terminated FilmCutter
after reporting error.
- When using the function lookup in AviSynth documentation feature with the path
to the documentation incorrect, the SafeString update and pointer audits broke
this. Only a new user or new installations would ever see this. If you did see
it you had trouble. List of outcomes is very long.
- Found the cause of encoder dialog window title haveing the encoder path
almost off the page.
- FilmCutter has had a string white space stripping ghost for sometime.
Exercised one in the function parameter parser in mydlg.h
- Encoding interface code had a few unintentional message boxes, sorry.
- For those that edit using projects, if you had occasion to use the tabs on
the editor they should work ASAP instead of waiting for the mouse to move.
- Alpha video window poped a message box when closed
- An illegal resourse assignment has been fixed 98 & ME and nt4 users, sorry I
didn't know, rejoyce.(IanB)
- Another issue with dynamic memory allocation resolved in the video
- FilmCutter would choke on a corrupted ini file and loop endlessly.
- Dialog bug in alpha 1 options dialog help button opens lots of help windows.
- Ever wonder what your screen saver keeps coming back. You turn it off, it comes
back. Oops, FilmCutter can disable screen saver and power saver settins
but always restores them. If now checks the states and preserves your system
- Play was activate-able without a loaded video.
- Script writing options dialog proc had some window errors.
- Video scene editors time display could become inaccurate. Or sink the ship.
- Found another divide by zero (they still crash). Syntax error could cause
framerate to be zero. Total time amd scene time function go poof.
- More pointers to buffers corralled up so the memory associated can be reused or
- Moved many local variable definition statements out of conditional branches in
WinMain with much care taken to make sure that memory allocated is reused not
- FilmCutter would warn the user about needing SciLexer.dll and then go on to crash.
FilmCutter now warns the user then terminate gracefully.
- If the video viewer was in play mode when the user exited FilmCutter the system
values for the following items remained false. Oops!
FilmCutter how issues a play stop command before exit, which changes the values
to true.
- If you change the file filtering in the file saves / open dialogs FilmCutter
remembers your last file type, i.e. *.txt, *.avs. Believe it or not that is
not automatic.
- While bug hunting the parameter help dialog I added code to prevent parameter
strings from exceeding 260 characters (max path length).
- Some very old code died today, the checkstate of a hidden button is kind of
unreliable. Because, you can not check it till it changes and windows will
change it when it wants to.
() Changed the way preview with script editor updates. If, when the user press F4
or clicks the update button, an error occurs the error (likely syntax) will
display and the update will not be done. Current frame and state shall remain.
() Small changes to the source / project switching. Scene list remains active but
the row buttons become disabled when project radio button is selected.
- Finally remembered to put the max and restore things on the main menu list so
you can maximize the window while using the video scene editor without having to
be all tricky back though the script editor menu.
- Rearranged the scene editor view / mode. Added a scene preview button, added the
third window to "mutli-frame editor". Big rewrite to the video veiw
code, also changed trackbar style to move frame# tool-tip to above frame slider.
- Changed the way the source / project radio buttons work. FilmCutter will prompt
you if it needs the project data saved.
- The AviSynth interface has been completely rewritten. Along with his help to
resolve a nasty crash issue I introduced, Ian Brabham's generous code contribution
to FilmCutter gives it vastly improved error handling capabilities. Ian added
three Safe AviSynth functions that simplify and standardize error trapping and
reporting. See "AviSynth Error Reporting" in the user's guide.
- The "filmcutter.ini" file write routine has been completly rewritten.
A little faster I hope, much simpler.
- Added the code needed for the save wave function to be able to read wave format
WaveFormatExtensible when the format is used in AviSynth.
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