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BitVice uses the latest technology to compress your precious movies into a format, which is immediately playable by any compliant MPEG2 decoder and is suitable for the authoring tool of your choice.
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 1.7 (details)
OS Support: Mac OS
License: Commercial, 349.00
Last Updated:
Page Viewed: 22528 times


Download: Official Download Page   Official Download Page

Description:Download a trial version of BitVice MPEG2 Encoder

Screenshots & Images:

BitVice simple view - ready to compress
BitVice simple view - ready to compress
BitVice advanced view - ready to compress
BitVice advanced view - ready to compress
BitVice advanced view - compressing
BitVice advanced view - compressing


BitVice uses the latest technology to compress your precious movies into a format, which is immediately playable by any compliant MPEG2 decoder and is suitable for the authoring tool of your choice.

The BitVice does not do multiplexing. You need a different kind of software for that task. A free multiplexor for Mac OS X is also available to download.

The video streams produced by BitVice are MPEG2 compliant, and as such, they can be mounted in any compliant MPEG2 authoring or multiplexing tool.

The BitVice is stand-alone software, not a QuickTimeâ„¢ codec, but it makes use of QuickTime features when it comes to reading the movie you want to compress.

In short, BitVice will compress any QuickTimeâ„¢ movie, which output meets the MPEG2 input requirements.

Written by a few top of the world MPEG engineers, BitVice is the best real-world solution for you to produce high-end MPEG2 videos, suitable for DVD products, commercial spots or wherever you need an MPEG2 video encoding of the highest quality per bitrate available today. The designed sweet-spot is somewhere between 3.5 and 7.5 Megabits depending on the source material.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: DV, MOV
Output Files: MPG

OS Compatibility:

Mac OS

Revision History:

Version 1.7
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2006
  • Support and optimized for PPC G5 QuadCore as well as G4/G5 singlel/duals
  • User selectable advanced scaling algorithms even for interlaced video
  • MacOS 10.4 Tiger support
  • Faster installer
  • More and even better information in the log-view
  • Speed enhancements
  • Minor GUI changes
  • New Feature: Droplets (for batch processing)
  • New Feature: Better De-Interlacer

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