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Video Frameserving Category: Video Frameserving

Tools like Avisynth

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Main Screen
Title: AQE GUI Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: OXA Page Viewed: 30489
Latest Version: 1.9.5 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.15, 7 votes)
AQE GUI is a graphical user interface for SAPSTAR's AutoQMatEnc encoder, for creating Avisynth scripts, ECL file creation, DVD authoring, multiplexing tool and more

Updated: August 19, 2006
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Image Unavailable
Title: AutoQMatEnc Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: SAPSTAR Page Viewed: 22655
Latest Version: 0.33 License: Freeware
OS Support: Win32 Command Line
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.42, 6 votes)
A free MPEG-2 video encoder that is compatible with CCE SP and can be used with DVD Rebuilder

Updated: August 12, 2006
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Title: Avanti Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Chris Kevany Page Viewed: 52271
Latest Version: 0.9.3 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Vista
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 2.84, 9 votes)
Avanti GUI is a free front-end for FFmpeg with the option to insert Avisynth as pre-processor.

Updated: May 9, 2015
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Title: AVE Visual Editor Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 18299
Latest Version: 0.3.3 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.75, 3 votes)
Download AVE Visual Editor, an AviSynth script editor

Updated: May 25, 2004
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Title: AVI to AC3 Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 21576
Latest Version: License: Open Source
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 2.88, 8 votes)
AVI to AC3 takes the audio from avi and avs files and converts them to dvd ready AC3 audio

Updated: May 10, 2009
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Title: AviSynth Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 205063
Latest Version: 2.6.1 Alpha 1 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.54, 25 votes)
Download AVIsynth, a scripting language and a collection of filters for simple non-linear editing tasks

Updated: May 17, 2016
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Main Screen
Title: AviSynth Batch Scripter Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Steven van Cauter Page Viewed: 23134
Latest Version: 1.0.1 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.75, 6 votes)
AviSynth Batch Scripter gives you the power of AviSynth, with the simplicity of a graphic interface to simplify the process of writing AviSynth scripts

Updated: July 5, 2009
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Title: AvisynthEditor Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 21394
Latest Version: 0.3 Beta License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 2.34, 4 votes)
Download AvisynthEditor, an AviSynth script editor

Updated: March 28, 2003
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Main Screen
Title: AVSCutter Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 14954
Latest Version: 1.4 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 1.75, 4 votes)
AVSCutter is a non linear editing tool for AviSynth. It accepts a source video stream described with AviSynth commands.

Updated: May 18, 2006
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Script Preview
Title: avsFilmCutter Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 24814
Latest Version: beta License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 1.50, 3 votes)
Merge your AviSynth video editing, script authoring and encoding tools into a single interface to speed up and enhance your video project.

Updated: July 28, 2007
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Main Screen
Title: AvsP Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 27078
Latest Version: 2.0.2 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
AvsP is a text editor built for AviSynth, a video scripting language.

Updated: October 28, 2007
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Title: AvsPmod Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 37000
Latest Version: 2.5.1 License: Open Source
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
AvsPmod is based on the no longer developed AvsP, and it a text editor for AviSynth scripts

Updated: June 26, 2013
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Main Screen
Title: AVStoMPEG Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Jürgen Page Viewed: 23798
Latest Version: 13.2009.0622.0500 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 4.59, 29 votes)
AVStoMPEG is an AviSynth and CCE/HC GUI for adding filters and convert video to MPEG

Updated: June 24, 2009
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Title: DGAVCDec Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Donald Graft Page Viewed: 78706
Latest Version: 1.0.9 License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.28, 9 votes)
DGAVCDec works like DGMPGDec. First you index your raw AVC/H.264 stream using DGAVCIndex and then you make an Avisynth script to frame serve the video.

Updated: March 11, 2009
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Sub Editions: DGAVCDecNV, DGVC1DecNV

Title: FFCoder Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 28121
Latest Version: 2.2 Beta License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.29, 7 votes)
FFCoder is a .NET based audio/video converter, which is capable of transcoding audio and video files to various formats. It is a unified frontend for many freeware utilities such as FFmpeg, MPlayer and MEncoder.

Updated: February 16, 2013
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Main Screen
Title: SynthEditor Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Rockas Page Viewed: 17628
Latest Version: 0.1.1beta License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 3.95, 10 votes)
SynthEditor is an attempt to make AviSynth available to everyone - performs simple cuts and encodes mpeg2 using QuEnc for audio (AC3 and MP2/MPA) and HC for video.

Updated: March 30, 2006
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Title: Variable Framerate Rx Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 18072
Latest Version: License: Open Source
OS Support: Windows XP Windows Vista
This tool is an AviSynth script with GUI which uses Avidemux as a backend. It simplifies and automates the process of converting variable framerate video to constant framerate video.

Updated: May 24, 2009
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Main Screen
Title: WMNicEnc Ease of use: Not Rated
Author/Publisher: Official Website Page Viewed: 18491
Latest Version: 1.02 Beta License: Open Source
OS Support: Windows 2000 Windows XP
User Rating: (Avg. rating: 2.63, 4 votes)
A Windows Media 9 Encoder that takes AviSynth scripts as input

Updated: October 5, 2006
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