This is the version history page for Cuttermaran, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 1.70
- Release Date: Oct 24, 2009
- Download(s):
- A huge list of bugfixes
- Running under Windows Vista / Windows 7 (32/64 Bit)
- Upgrade to .NET 3.5 SP 1
Version 1.69a
- Release Date: Dec 19, 2007
- Download(s):
- Fixes a few installer bugs from version 1.69
- This setup contains the Windows Vista compatible CuttyEnc provider ( (Thx to JMS)
Version 1.69
- Release Date: Dec 2, 2007
- libmpeg2 - Update to version 0.4.1
- DirectShowLib - Update to version 1.5
- Bugfixes: A huge list of fixes I don't remember ;-)
- A lot of bugfixes and features by Elmü:
- Feature: Update to latest Mplex version (2.2.4)
- Feature: Mplex ported from Linux into .NET 1.1 Assembly
- Feature: New window with display of progress and coloured messages from Mplex
- Feature: Mplex runs with CPU load reduced to 40% while minimized.
- Feature: All providers (QuEnc, TmpgEnc, Mplex, Imago) can be aborted and minimized now
- Feature: Optional display of Cut-Out picture AND Cut-In picture when selecting a cut in cutlist
- Feature: Display of frame-type (I, P, B) in cutlist
- Feature: TabControl with one video tab for each open video file.
- Feature: Shuttlebar with logarithmic speed.
- Feature: Scrollbar with coloured background for each cut and interesting stream point.
- Feature: Minimizing the main window while cutting and display of progress in taskbar.
- Feature: Decreasing CPU load to approx 40% while cutting when main window is minimized.
- Feature: Second progressbar displays total progress while cutting.
- Feature: Turning on/off separately the docking/floating and resizing of GUI windows.
- Feature: New button "Play Next" in preview window plays the next cut preview.
- Feature: Ask user if he wants to save unsaved changes not only when exiting the program.
- Feature: Hint when trying to cut on a B or P frame if no encoder is active.
Version 1.68a
- Release Date: Dec 21, 2006
- Bugfix: Under some circumstances the top_field_first flag will be ignored (Encoding mode)
Version 1.68
- Release Date: Dec 2, 2006
- Bugfix: DVDAuthor chapter list format fixed
- Feature: Enumeration column in cut list
- Bugfix: Scan - abort - scan
- Feature: Multiple Drag&Drop
- Feature: Optimized encoding on cutting edges
- Feature: Aspect_ratio patchable in destination stream
- Feature: Frame type indication for CutOut frame
- Feature: For frame correction CutOut and CutIn can be linked together
- Feature: Missing audio samples will be auto-inserted
- Bugfix: Crash "Cut audio only" fixed
* Feature: Cut areas will be display in the scroll bar (by Elmü)
Version 1.67
- Release Date: Jun 5, 2006
- Feature: Each cut in cut list can be written in a single file.
- Feature: Each cut in cut list can be duplicated
- Feature: Re-inserting a cut will take place in its original position in cut list.
- Feature: QuickJump resolution configurable
- Feature: Applicable aspect_ration for CutIn and CutOut frames
- Feature: Optional scroll bar in CurrentFrame windows.
- Feature: CutIn/CutOut buttons color will change if correspondig point is set.
- Feature: New "Close App when done" flag. (security dialog if project is changed)
- Feature: Chapter output for OGG-Format
- Feature: GUI can be protected about changes if all windows are docked.
- Feature: Marker becomes part of the project file.
- Feature: Marker can be set in the "QuickJump" dialog (Context menu).
- Feature: Restore Settings (via "start"-menu)
- Feature: D2V support for DVD2AVI dgIndexFile version 10,11 and 13
- Feature: Configurable columns in cut list
- Bugfix: IFrame postion in automatic chapter calculation. Each CutIn can become a chapter frame.
- Bugfix: Edit first cut in cut list can cause Cuttermaran to crash.
Version 1.66
- Release Date: Dec 10, 2005
- Feature: New dynamic GUI
- Feature: RGB24 color space for encoding. RGB24 default (no codec needed), YV12 optional (special codec required)
- Bugfix:16:9 <-> 4:3 transistion optimized
- Feature: New encoding provider for QuEnc. (AviSynth needed)
- Feature: Added HDTV template for TMPGEnc
- Feature: dgmpgdec/dgindex d2v creation for result streams (instead of DVD2AVI)
- Feature: QuickJumpDialog with dynamic GUI
- Feature: mux provider can get chapter lists for authoring
- Feature: multiple markers
- Feature: multi selection in cut list
- huge amount of errors corrected
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