This is the version history page for DivFix, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 1.13
- Release Date: Jun 5, 2006
Version 1.10
- Release Date: May 16, 2003
- Auto-clear option to clear the listbox after finishing
- Fixed I/O error 103 when stripping the index
- Fixed bugs in the "Cut out bad parts" option
- The "Keep original file" is turned on by default for safety purpose
- Now if the destination dir is empty, DivFix puts the new video, where the original was
- Displaying the name and the number of errors after finishing with a file
- Linux version is now available for those who wanted it
- Change in my postal address (for those who want send me postcards... ;)
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