This is the version history page for DVD Identifier, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 5.2.0
- Release Date: Jan 12, 2009
- Added detection of 6x bd-r discs (blu-ray).
- Updated manufacturer database, now containing over 900 discs from nearly 100 different manufacturers.
- Several other small changes and improvements.
Version 5.0.1
- Release Date: Oct 15, 2006
- Fixed the issue where the dvd-ram and dvd-r dl write capabilities are switched.
- Automatically closing the tray prior to disc identification now works with all drives.
Version 5.0.0
- Release Date: Oct 9, 2006
- Added full support for hd dvd-r, together with preliminary support for hd dvd-ram.
- U3 smart drive compatibility now allows you to carry dvd identifier with you, anywhere you go! A separate U3 installer is available on the download page. Visit for more information.
- Updated manufacturer database, now containing over 700 discs from nearly 100 manufacturers.
- The blu-ray 'unique disc identifier' has been simplified. Note that due to this change, older versions of dvd identifier are now unable to access the Blu-ray section of the new manufacturer database.
- Disc identification now automatically closes the tray before starting the identification procedure.
- The default selected drive on startup now corresponds with the drive that was last used.
- Fixed a rare dvd-ram identification problem that occurred on some drives.
- Several other small changes and improvements.
Version 4.1.0
- Release Date: Sep 12, 2005
- Added blu-ray (bd) certified recording speeds, class and version.
- Updated manufacturer database.
- Some minor overall improvements.
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