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A powerful utility for processing AVI files in general, and specially AVI DV files
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 8.0.6 (details)
OS Support: Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Freeware
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Page Viewed: 44693 times



Description:Download DVdate
Version:8.0.6 (added Dec 08, 2019 - view changelog)
Size:1.15 MB

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DVdate is a powerful utility for processing AVI files in general, and specially AVI DV files. It features many useful functions, easy and fast to apply even to a great number of avi files at one time. For example:
  • convert a DV file from type 1 to type 2 (and reciprocally): It is useful when importing files into some video editing software that accept only videos of type 2, like Pinnacle's Studio.
  • convert a non DV file into a DV file (Pal or NTSC): it is useful when editing a project with DV files, to import easily a video clip, that was compressed with anything else than DV like DivX or Mjpeg.
  • convert a DV file from Pal to NTSC or reciprocally: it is useful to make a DVD in NTSC format with a camcorder in DV Pal.
  • inlay datecode into the frames of a DV file: it is useful to display the date and time of capture on the screen, like the analog camcorders used to do.
  • export a text file with the list of scenes from a DV video: it's very useful to catalog DV tapes, even to make a database of all scenes for instance in Excel.
  • fix the framerate of an avi file : it may fix some out of sync issues, specially when an analog capture board did not set the correct framerate
  • rename avi files by adding their datecode or timecode: it's useful when sorting video clips and archiving them.
  • many other features are available: extract audio to WAV, fix a time difference, change the FourCC of the codec...
DVdate features a multimedia player which can read the video (including in full screen) and browse easily in the video with CTRL+ array keys, and even browse from scene to scene. It displays in real time the datecode and timecode of the frame being played. DVdate displays also complete information about the AVI file. Like the utility Gspot, it indicates the codec, the image size, the number of frames per second, the duration of the video etc..., when dealing with DV files, it adds the type I or II and the TV standard Pal or NTSC or even the aspect ratio 4x3 or 16x9. It features also a function to display the RIFF header of an avi file, like riffwalk.exe from Microsoft used to do.

DVdate is able to load a great number of avi files into its "playlist", and process them individually or altogether. It displays automatically the video of each selected file.. With one keyboard hit (CTRL+F7) it may even load all avi files present on all your hard drives. Try it, you may be surprised by the result.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: AVI, DV
Output Files: AVI, DV

OS Compatibility:

Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP

Revision History:

Version 8.0.6
  • Release Date: Dec 8, 2019
  • Download(s):
  • DVdate 8.x.x En is a upgrade of the interface of DVdate, a successful software appreciated by many digital video users all around the world. It is a very powerful application for all AVI files, and perhaps the best program in the world for avi DV files (the format of most digital camcorders).

    The main functions of DVdate 8.x.x are:

    - display a list of all AVI video clips loaded in it, for instance all AVI from a folder, or even all AVI files from all hard disks, and display them sorted by alphabetical order, or by file size, file date, or even by the datecode (= date of capture by the camcorder), timecode, duration...

    - display many data about each AVI file, for instance codec of video or audio, image
    size, duration for audio as well as for video (they are not always the same). For avi
    DV files it indicates if it's Pal or NTSC, and if it's 4x3 or 16x9 image ratio, and of course the type 1 or 2. It displays also the datecode and timecode of each DV frame. It indicates with the letters iavs if the file is a strange DV type2 having an interleaved stream instead of a video stream.

    - preview the video in the integrated player or in full screen. One may browse through
    the frames, with frame by frame precision, or even browse from scene to scene. DV date
    displays in real time the datecode and timecode of the current frame.

    - convert the video files for example:
    * from DV type 1 to DV type 2 and reciprocally
    * from Pal to NTSC and reciprocally
    * from an analogic video to a DV type 2 one.
    * from strange DV type 2 to standard DV type 2
    * from a DV 4x3 to a DV 16x9 (widescreen) and reciprocally

    - extract the audio stream to a WAV file.

    - inlay the datecode (or other texts containinf indo about the video) into the video frames. This function (also available for preview with DVdate) is highly personnalizable. You may choose the font, the color, the size,
    fix a time difference, change the display format of the datecode. You may choose to
    display automatically for a given number of seconds the datecode at every scene change, or at every new day. The position of the inlay may be easily changed in the video. The datecode may be displayed on two lines. The timecode may also be inlayed.

    - fix the datecode included in the DV frames in order to compensate a time difference.

    - fix the framerate of a video file.

    - change the FOURCC of the codec of a video.

    - change the date of a video DV file and replace it by its datecode.

    - rename DV files using datecode or timecode or other data.

    -edit the list of scenes of an avi file (either calculating them by video content or by gap in the datecode, or by equal intervalls). This list may be edited to add captions, merge scenes, or cut scenes.

    - create a scn file, compatible with Studio from Pinnacle, containing the list of scenes.

    - export the data contained in a scn file to a text file, or Word, Excel, Writer or Calc file, giving for each scene the following data, separated by commas:

    * rank of the scene
    * start
    * end
    * datecode of start
    * timecode of start
    * duration
    and for Word and Writer also a thumbnail from the video for each scene.

    - Split a DV video into clips, one clip for a scene

    - create a srt file containing subtitles displaying the datecode

    - Display the RIFF header of an avi file, like Riffwalk - an old program by Microsoft -
    used to do.

    -DVdate can be launched from a script file to automate its functions.
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