This is the version history page for DVD Profiler, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 3.8.2 Build 1542
- Release Date: Dec 8, 2012
- Enhancements in version 3.8.2
- Several stability and performance improvements to mobile device remote updates
- Local files (such as trailers) may be drag/dropped into the My Links editor
- "My Links" may now be browsed from a remote copy of DVD Profiler
- Performance improvements in the profile update process
- Bug fixes in version 3.8.2
- Fixed: The program creates an empty My Documents\DVD Profiler folder regardless of settings
- Fixed: Display problems with certain audio track report formats
- Changed default location for backup files and XML exports from C:\ to the user's Documents folder
- Fixed: Error after using spacebar to select last shown entry in the Add by Title list
- Fixed: Loading database results in blank flag selection shown for first entry
- Adjusted tab order on the DVD Edit, General tab
- Backups no longer fail due to corrupt cast/crew images
Version 3.8.1 Build 1535
- Release Date: Jun 27, 2012
- Enhancements in version 3.8.1
- Added support for many more countries of origin
- The COO list in the filters panel now shows only the COOs currently in the local collection
- Color drop-down has been changed to checkboxes, including the filter on color
- Anamorphic and Blu-ray 3D checkboxes now enabled for custom media types
- Added search button to credit info interface (web search, image search, and IMDB)
- In credit info window, added sorts by review and last watched
- Display fields in the general info section will show hints if they are being cropped
- The 'Similar Titles Found' warning in Add DVDs now has three settings. Right-click to change
- All 3-way checkboxes in the filters panel can now be set to off by shift-clicking
- Added additional messaging to the sharing setup and mobile device setup regarding enabling remote changes
- Added tooltip hint for CTRL+Enter on the profile comparison screen
- Bug fixes in version 3.8.1
- Several translation fixes
- Fixed: Edit Users->Loans->Change Due Date->Edit Users = error
- Fixed: Incorrect display of disc info with side B data in the profile update comparison
- Fixed: Visiting comparison window reselects the image refresh checkboxes if they're not locked
- Fixed: Changes to genre aren't immediately reflected in collection list after an edit.
- In Tools->Edit Users, "Gifts Received:" count is now visible
- Fixed: Amazon button in Add DVD by title shows error when clicked with an empty filtered list
- Fixed: Adding by title manually should show the DVD edit window, not the personalize window
- Corrected typos in the Mobile Synchronize window
- Fixed: Ratings sometimes display incorrectly in the Add DVDs list
- Removed 'Add Random DVDs' button from the Add DVDs interface
- Fixed: The SRP lock button in DVD Edit doesn't function correctly
- Fixed: Changing the drive the in the change upc dialog doesn't refresh the disc id
- Fixed: Auto-lock when region changed not working
- Fixed: CTRL+UP/DN on crew not working right (moves focus 2 spots)
- Fixed: Production year descending sort is wrong in add by title
- Fixed: "Gift From" displays incorrectly with ampersands
- Fixed: OK/Cancel tab order on image comparison reversed
- Fixed: Deleting users gives no warning when gifts were received from that user
- Fixed: Error message displayed while updating from iPhone/iPad in some cases
- Profile comparison now shows SRP denomination and rating system
Version 3.8.0 Build 1509
- Release Date: Jun 8, 2012
- Please refer to the release notes for a full list of changes
Version 3.7.2
- Release Date: Feb 6, 2011
- Fixed: DVDs marked as returned in iOS sometimes shown as loaned after sync
- Fixed: Very large (5000+) collections synchronize slowly or not at all
- Fixed: Ratings not shown on reports
Version 3.6.1
- Release Date: Apr 5, 2010
- Corrected possible access violation in DVD->Edit via the Move Down button
- Added optional printing methods to address missing images in reports, acessible from the print dialog; also changed default printing method
- Fixed: Sort options in credit info window not working
- Addressed hang experienced by some users when creating a new database
- Corrected performance issue in Personalize with very large collections
- Fixed: On Add DVD->by Disc ID, the Alternates window list keeps growing with the same entries being duplicated.
- Swapping column order of cast name/role causes display issue of credited as
- Unflag during contribution not working for localities outside the US
- Fixed program crash at start experienced by some users
- Connection closed gracefully should be trapped (everywhere? in dpo synch?)
- Layout HTML doesn't show voice flag if there's no role set
- Sorts incorrect in welcome page loaned list (date in particular)
- Fixed: Review is not saved via DVD->Edit when it is the only change
- Fixed: Copy crew section stops copying when it reaches a group divider
- In Add DVD window, the similar title detection now works with custom collection types
- Moved help to web-based help to facilitate updates (currently unchanged content from 3.5.1)
- Default odd collection types to owned, in collection read, dvd read, and collection type totals
- Fixed: Collection number in use displayed in some cases when it shouldn't be
- Fixed: Chart for Video Review showing Entire Review
- Fixed: Movie Pick selection for last watched is not filtering correctly
- Fixed: Movie Pick matching count not updated when an audience member is deselected
- Fixed: Setting exclusions via right-click did not trigger the upload during the next DPO synchronize
- Corrected error synching mobile when a custom collection type used the blank image
Version 3.5.1
- Release Date: Dec 30, 2008
- Please refer to this page for a list of what's new
Version 3.0.2
- Release Date: Mar 31, 2007
Version 1.1.0
- Release Date: May 19, 2001
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