This is the version history page for HDTVtoMPEG2, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 1.11.94
- Release Date: Feb 26, 2008
- Fixed improper Output file name and crash when deleting from Input box introduced with tooltip change.
Version 1.11.93
- Release Date: Jun 6, 2007
- .93 - Input list box now only shows the file name. Tooltip shows the path.
- .92 - Recognize .rec and .mpg as valid transport stream extensions
- .92 - Fixed a bug that could cause the dreaded "Could not find a Channel" bug on valid TS files.
- .91 - Clips button state is now saved in the ini file
- .91 - Added grey color bar support during commercial scan.
- .90 - Relaxed the color requirement for pure black on 4x3 color bars.
- .90 - Fixed "The parameter is incorrect" dialog message when you scroll the mouse around in an empty Process list box.
- .90 - Fixed code so it could handle TS streams with section encapsulated data, i.e. pointer_field != 0.
Version 1.11.89
- Release Date: Jun 12, 2006
- .89 - Fixed crash caused when no channel is found
- .89 - Fixed crash during loading of some TS file when calculating avg TS rate
- .89 - Updated to Visual Studio 2005
- .88 - Fixed Max Size dialog popup bug when entering a size larger than 99999
- .88 - Fixed invalid file name problem related to very large filenames when using Add
- .88 - Fixed crash when using Preserve Bit Rate on some transport streams
- .88 - Fixed bug that incorrectly extracted the PCR during PMT validation
Version 1.11.87
- Release Date: Mar 12, 2006
- .87 - Removed the transport stream extension case sensitivity.
- .87 - Option to change the vertical_size_value in the sequence_header from 1088 to 1080
- .87 - Added a Configuration menu
- .87 - New Cut region marker. Forces a new file to be created at a specified point
- .87 - Ability to re-order the input file list by dragging items with mouse
Version 1.11.86
- Release Date: Feb 28, 2006
- .86 - Region markers are now saved when closing H2M.
- .86 - Fixed bug where shortcut keys would not work immediately after Deleteing a file from the process list box
- .86 - MaxSize, VideoPID, and AudioPID boxes now handled properly when shortcut keys are being used
- .85 - Added Alt+D\d to delete region marker
- .85 - Default Channel is now auto checked
- .85 - Added an RUSure dialog when the Clear All region markers button is clicked
- .85 - Fixed bug where a .TRI file was not created if a .TRI file was selected as the input file
- .85 - Region info is no longer saved when Clear All is selected, only when Process\Include\Exclude\Delete\Move
- .84 - Fixed missing TS info (Resolution, FPS, etc.) for some streams
Version 1.11.83
- Release Date: Dec 12, 2005
- .83 - Fixed possible crash when editing low bitrate SD channels
- .83 - Added message box indicating SD channels are not supported with Commercial Scan
- .82 - Attempt to include black frames before and after program. Disable with IncludeBlackFrames=0
- .81 - UI indicates Avg. TS Rate now instead of bogus Video rate
- .81 - Weighted average TS Rate is now calculated instead of using a fixed 19.2Mbps rate
- .81 - Option to select 10 second Commercial Scan rate instead of the default 60 seconds
- .80 - Re-work of Commercial Scan code to fix troublesome ABC\FOX stations
- .79 - Small tweak to code that determines frame type (added min_column_size)
- .78 - Fix bug that could cause the second file to be ignored during scan if Exlcude section had been specified
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