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ivsEdits LE -> Version History

This is the version history page for ivsEdits LE, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here.


Version 5.0 Build 607
  • Release Date: Mar 7, 2017
  • ivsEdits v.5.0 Build 607: Changes from Build 603. [Release date: 2017 03 06]

    Batch conversion from MTS/MP4 with AC3 audio Fixed.
    Added FX presets to quick rotate mobile videos (PIP EFFECTS Folder)
    Appling FXs on 50p/60p/29.97p/59.94i graphics clips, the effect duration is wrong during playback:Fixed!.

    ivsEdits v.5.0 Build 606: Changes from Build 597. [Release date: 2016 11 16]

    Improved VIMEO interoperability
    NEW FX: There are 17 new effects OpenGL based (Various Shaders folder), they include some vectorial animated backgrounds , Nightvision and some other filters.
    Updated H264 presets to export MKV and MP4 files with higher quality.
    ENHANCED BRIGHTNESS AND CONTRAST FX : We have added a SCREEN BLENDING option to edit/color/manage Light Leaks with one filter. 
    ADDED SOME MENU ITEMS TO COPY/PASTE/SET AUDIO Handles (CTRL+Q to set a specified value to all selected Handles).
    APPLY TRANSITIONS applies transitions moving the order of clips in some circumstances: FIXED.
    Improved MPEG2 Native editing.
    IVSRECODE: Right 3840 X size in output file has been restored( ivsEdits PRO only). 
Version 4.2 Build 596
  • Release Date: Jul 3, 2016
  • ivsEdits v.4.2 Build 596: Changes from Build 582. [Release date: 2016 07 01]

    Some Player otimizations have halved memory usage and considerably increased average realtime playback cababilities.
    Still Frame generation and management has been improved.
    New option in Color Balance effect helps to balance white or colors more quickly and in more accurated mode.
    Updated H264 presets to export MKV and MP4 files with higher quality.
    Trim Window with Decklink output uses interlacing pause mode as Timeline default Player setting.
    Trim Window some fixes to manage clips with starting Timecode that is not 00:00:00:00.
    Playlists Export to ivsEdits onAir has been improved. 

    ivsEdits v.4.1 Build 582: Changes from Build 522. [Release date: 2016 06 18]

    Vimeo is now the ivsEdits preferred publisher (New feature: Print to Vimeo and Upload video files to Vimeo from Repository Window). Exporting/Printing to Vimeo generates high quality MKV files.
    SD/HD/4K MPEG2 exporting available with FREE Version too after to have uploaded/printed one clip/file to Vimeo.
    Dramatically Improved Pictures and video clips aspect ratio cross-conversions and managment.
    Improved H264 encoding is now 3x faster and if Intel Quicksync acceleration is available upto 15x faster than previous versions.(the new features are supported for MP4 and VIMEO/MKV files , not yet for MTS files exporting)
    Video feedback quality of Preview, Trim and Multicamera windows has been dramatically improved switching from VMR to D2D based Directshow filter. It avoids dual Intel-Nvidia GPU driver limitation on laptops (solid gray video preview feedback running laptops with dual graphics when Nvidia acelleration is enabled).
    Some Opengl fixes to support all effects with AMD gpus too.
    New feature: Repository Preference option allows to force DPS or MPEG auto recoding of all video clips collected to edit your video faster and more accurately.
    Some Trim window related fixes and shortcuts have been added: GOTO IN = CTRL+SHIFT+I and GOTO OUT = CTRL+SHIFT+O.
    Some minor fixes loading BMP and TGA files or exporting SD NTSC XDCAM files(PRO ONLY). 

    ivsEdits v.4.0 Build 522: Changes from Build 500. [Release date: 2015 11 18]

    Several Player optimizations to increase Slowmotion and DVE motion/FXs quality .
    New app ivsTSWizard: it is required to join files like MTS,TS, M2TS avoiding any video frame and/or audio sample drop (PRO Only).
    New crash-recovery /Projects Auto Backup managment.
    New feature: Menu options to regenerate clip Thumbnails.
    New feature: Menu options to regenerate clip waveforms.
    New feature: support for TC from wave audio clips.
    Improved DPS decoder and encoder(PRO only) .
    Improved H264 decoding to support Sony FS7 files.
    Improved MPEG2 Decoding and encoding.
    Improved XDCAM encoding to generate full compliant files.
    New Bokeh Disk effect (requires high end Nvidia GPU card like GTX 970 or higher)
    New Cross Hatch effect (requires high end Nvidia GPU card like GTX 970 or higher)
    New 20 OpenGL effects (require high end Nvidia GPU card like GTX 970 or higher)
    Fixed some problems generating DV files running HD projects.
    ivsEdits OnAir 10 improved Live performance and general stability.
    ivsCapture Capture IMX/XDCAM files with 100% compatibility with Avid Mediacomposer. (PRO ONLY)
    ivsRecode Support for 4K UHD and DCI clips, 100p to 25p and some other changes/fixes.(PRO ONLY)

    ivsEdits v.3.1 Build 500: Changes from Build 491. [Release date: 2014 27 12]

    Several Player optimizations.
    Support for Contour Shuttle PRO devices.
    Crashes attempting to export in AVI, FLV and MOV: Fixed
    New Shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+A Spilts the selected Audio Channels
    GUI: The size of names of the clips in Timeline and Repository has been increased.
    New Gesture: Shift+Mouse Wheel scrolls the Timeline.
    New Shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+B Fades IN/OUT without show the dialog.
    New Feature: Added Timecode Clip Sorting in Repositories Menu.
    New Feature: Added Virtual Clips Sorting in Repositories Menu to help to delete them quickly.
    ivsEdits OnAir 9.2.161 several minor improvements , Load button has been added to load replacing the current Playlist.
    ivsCapture Increased reliability capturing in MPEG 2 format on some devices/NAS. 
    ivsRecode Crashes loading projects with missing clips: fixed.
Version 3.0 Build 491
  • Release Date: Jun 13, 2014
    • New Feature: ivsEdits supports frame rate conversion in exporting.
    • New Feature: Proc Amp, Brightness and Contrast, Color Balance effects dialogs have a wipe tool to compare CC results.
    • New feature : M4A audio files can be converted directly in wav files like MP3 files during the collection:
    • Exporting to ivsEdits Onair it is not required to avoid to delete the extension .twoa.
    • Several fixes working with mono audio clips.
    • ivsEdits OnAir 9.2.151 several Gui improvements with Better DVE controls, better Playlist Sorting window, more Clock options.
    • ivsEdits OnAir 9.2.151 fixed some problems Adding or Inserting IvsEdits Timelines.
    • ivsCapture DPS files without Time Limit check cant be greater than 1h33minutes: fixed. 
    • ivsRecode Improved MTS and GOPRO files recoding.
Version 3.0 Build 484
  • Release Date: Mar 20, 2014
  • WARNING : All projects, created or opened with ivsEdits build 460 or higher, will be not compatible with previous ivsEdits builds.
  • WARNING : Opening projects created with ivsEdits build 470 or lower, it is required to assign again the desired output device before to edit, play or export any movie. Go to menu I/O>Timeline and Device Settings (SHIFT+F5).
  • New Feature: ivsEdits and Multicam Editor allow to set a start offset in Timeline Ruler.
  • New Feature: Timeline Ruler can show Timecode in Frames.
  • New Feature: Trim Window shows the reel's Timecode.
  • New Feature: SHIFT+J and SHIFT+L Start the playback Framerate at -50% and +50%
  • New feature: CONTROL+J and CONTROL+L Start the playback Framerate at -25% and 25%
  • New feature: SHIFT+CONTROL+J and SHIFT+CONTROL+L Start the playback Framerate at -100% and 100%
  • New feature: Video Solo Keys 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and "\" enables/disables all video tracks
  • Movie bar IN and Out keys have been moved in CTRL+1 and CTRL+2
  • New feature: Video Effects editor Keyframes editing has been improved, we have removed NO keyframe checkbox and we have moved the option in the keyframes editing modes, we have added extended Mode, it deletes all Keyframes on the right of the current one.
  • Video Effects and Transitions Editor are listing now always 5 items for each row.
  • Transitions: Reverse mode has been fixed.
  • Transitions: Problems with Crop and borders Effect has been fixed.
  • Glow Effect: Fixed a problem with blending when there are some other effects.
  • Preference Program: There is a new option to show the first frame of clip opening the Video Effects Editor.
  • Align by Timecode has been fixed.
  • The effects ProcAMP, Color Balance, Brightness Contrast are now adjustable with keys.
  • Multicam Editor: CONTROL+G works in Multicam editor too.
  • Exporting Legacy DPS files from Full HD Projects is not working: Fixed.
  • Loading Macro effects with Mask Effects the mask is not always applied: Fixed.
  • New ivsEdits OnAir 9.2 Build 146: some minor fixes importing ivsEdits Timelines to detect the audio levels.
  • Some minor changes
Version 3.0 Build 470
  • Release Date: Feb 11, 2014
  • WARNING : All projects, created or opened with ivsEdits build 460 or higher, will be not compatible with previous ivsEdits builds.
  • (ivsEdits LE only)Exporting is locked to uncopressed AVI under Windows 8/8.1 with UAC on: Fixed!.
  • New Feature: JKL has been enabled for ivsEdits and Multicam Editor.
  • New feature: Cursor Keys allow to navigate in the Repository clips.
  • New feature: Space HotKey on selected clip in the repository starts Playback of that clip in the trim window.
  • new ivsOnAir 9.2 Build 145 is now called ivsEdits OnAir.
  • ivsEdits onAir: Now it is possible to load/append playlists exported from ivsEdits Timeline.
  • ivsEdits onAir: There is a new option to disable autorun of video playlist
  • ivsEdits onAir: Solo Audio in Playlist 3 disables all Audio feedback from other playlists playing clips in playlist 3.
Version 2.7 Build 463
  • Release Date: Dec 27, 2013
  • WARNING : All projects, created or opened with ivsEdits build 460, will be not compatible with previous ivsEdits builds.
  • New feature: Watch Folder collection of media files.
  • New Feature: Watch folder can be switched between ADD or SYNC modes. In Sync mode removing the clips from folder they will be removed from Repository too.
  • New feature: Watch Folder is enabled as default for Repository1 creating a new project. The default folder path is project AV-IN folder.
  • New feature: The names of Repositories with Watch Folder enabled will be marked with "*"
  • New feature: The Timeline and Repositories Tabs can be moved by right button menu.
  • New Multicam Editor based on Build 460 Code - Previous was based on build 422 Code.
  • Multicam editor: Some changes to improve unsynced Audio clips management.
  • (PAGE DOWN -> CTRL+V ) Paste clip after Page Down is now supported.
  • Match frame tool on Toolbar is not highlighted clicking on Timeline Ruler.
  • Fixed potential application crash working with Crawls when duration of crawl is greater than clip duration.
  • Fixed a potential application crash working with Border and Crop Effect when the crop was in negative range.
  • Copying Clips from Repository to Timeline where some haven't audio are now copied without audio shift
  • new licence protection.(only ivsEdits Suite )
  • Some other minor changes
  • new ivsOnAir 9.0 Build 135.
  • ivsOnAir: There is a new Time indipendent Playlist
  • ivsOnAir : It is possible to type Timecode without ":"
  • ivsOnAir: Freeimage.dll Support adds BMP and PSD graphic files.
Version 2.2 Build 433
  • Release Date: Jun 20, 2013
  • Audio Mixing has been improved.
  • Timecode Overlay can now be moved and Relative Frames can be suppressed.
  • Timecode Overlay supports now a new extra large font.
  • New Feature: Auto deinterlacing of Interlaced Clips in Progressive Projects!
  • New Feature: Timeline Auto resizing draggin & dropping clips from the repository too.
  • New Documentation of "F" button in the shortcuts list.
  • Fixed a minor bug exporting Media files into the root of drives.
  • Fixed a potential crash working with H264 MOV files.
  • Some other minor changes

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