This is the version history page for MeD's Movie Manager, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 2.40
- Release Date: Oct 9, 2006
Version 2.32
- Release Date: Jun 5, 2006
- TV.COM bug fixed.
Version 2.31
- Release Date: Feb 5, 2006
- General improvements/Bug fixes:
- Fixed Bug: An error occured when trying to sort by duration when using a user-defined list.
- Fixed Bug: Error could occur when updating the database to be v2.3 compatible.
- Fixed Bug: When the additional info fields were customized with a different order than the default an error occured when trying to add/edit movies.
Version 2.30
- Release Date: Jan 29, 2006
- New:
- Support for MySQL database.
- Added new fields: 'Also Known As', 'Certification', 'MPAA', 'IMDb runtime' and 'Awards'.
- Extended filter feature. Can now use 'AND' and 'OR' when searching.
- Saving last values on the additional info fields where the info isn't imported from media files.
- The DivX container is now identified as DivX and not AVI.
- Will now find the correct duration on openDML AVI files.
- General improvements/Bug fixes:
- Searching should be faster as it's now done solely by the database.
- Fixed Bug: Unable to download covers from IMDb.
- Fixed Bug: The title of imported movie info would contain a space in the beginning.
- Fixed Bug: The "Order By" setting was not saved correctly.
- Fixed Bug: Plot contains html code on some IMDb info.
- Fixed Bug: '&' would appear as '&' in titles imported from
- Fixed bug: The user defined additional info fields (extra info) wouldn't be properly removed using the remove function. (Bug introduced in v2.2)
- Hopefully fixed Bug: Infinite loop could occur when obtaining the episodes from
Version 2.22
- Release Date: Dec 6, 2005
- Queries function has been optimized and will no longer be slow if there are many hits.
- Fixed a bug in the extreme movie manager import function, where the info of a movie could be imported to the next movie if the info of the next movie was empty.
- Delete function has been optimized, and will be a lot faster when deleting more than 10 entries in one go.
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