This is the version history page for OGM to AVI, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version Beta 0.6
- Release Date: Aug 15, 2006
- The GUI now converts files in the order they are in the display
- Added tootip text for more parts of the interface
- Added ctrl-A keyboard shortcut for selecting all the files
- substantially reorganized the code for the backend
- mkv audio tracks now have correct titles and languages
- fixed a bug with files that have more than 9 streams
Version 0.5c
- Release Date: Jul 6, 2006
- changed the process of getting the install directory to be more robust
- made the "preserve subtitles" option much more useful
- fixed a crazy, very rare bug involving piping shell output to the GUI
- replaced the mp3 bitrate slider in the GUI with a dropdown box to prevent illegal values
Version 0.5b
- Release Date: Jul 3, 2006
- more hardware player compatibility tweaks. This should fix audio skipping on some players.
- added option to remux AVI files into more hardware player compatible versions. I'm considering some sort of name change to reflect both the focus on hardware players and the more general ability to convert file formats.
- fixed a problem with converting audio files with spaces in them to mp3
- fixed a problem with determining the OGMConverter and MKVTools directories
- added a "throbber" to the progress dialog
- set the groundwork for a better progress dialog
Version Beta 0.5
- Release Date: Jun 18, 2006
- you can now delete files from the GUI window
- if you press the convert button with no files added, you are given an explanation of why it doesn't work
- messed with avimux script some more to increase hardware player compatibility
- modified ffmpeg command line
- converted GUI code to more modern style of importing and calling wxPython
- added processing animation to conversion window
- added more information if you run ogmtoavi without arguments
- added "show directories" display option
- improved the installer and made it the only release version
Version Beta 0.4
- Release Date: May 30, 2006
- added support for Matroska (mkv) files
- fixed the naming bug with audio track names for ogm. It is not fixed for mkv files yet.
- updated the version of several supporting programs
- adjusted avimux script to ensure uninterrupted muxing
Version 0.3c
- Release Date: Mar 19, 2006
- Included the msvcr71.dll library to prevent a rare problem where users did not have it on their systems.
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