This is the version history page for Q DVD Author, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
- Version 2.3.1-011 (Dec 29, 2019)
- Version 2.3.1 (Apr 5, 2013)
- Version 2.2.2 (Oct 3, 2011)
- Version 2.2.1 (Oct 2, 2011)
- Version 2.2.0 (Sep 27, 2011)
- Version 2.1.0 (Jan 10, 2010)
- Version 2.0.0 (Oct 12, 2009)
- Version 1.11.1 (Aug 17, 2009)
- Version 1.11.0 (Aug 7, 2009)
- Version 1.10.0 (Jul 4, 2009)
- Version 1.9.0 (Jun 11, 2009)
- Version 1.8.0 (May 4, 2009)
- Version 1.7.0 (Jan 18, 2009)
- Version 1.6.1 (Dec 14, 2008)
- Version 1.6.0 (Dec 1, 2008)
- Version 1.5.0 (Aug 3, 2008)
- Version 1.2.0 (May 13, 2008)
- Version 1.1.0 (Mar 31, 2008)
- Version 1.0 Final (Jan 14, 2008)
- Version 1.0 RC3 (Nov 23, 2007)
Version 2.3.1-011
- Release Date: Dec 29, 2019
- Download(s):
RELEASE 2.3.1-009 - The new version of qdvdauthor is running on qt5.
- It began as an attempt to compile qdvdauthor with qt4 and cmake.
- It is tested only with linux.
Version 2.3.1
- Release Date: Apr 5, 2013
- Download(s):
Version 2.2.2
- Release Date: Oct 3, 2011
- Download(s):
- Fixed floating point crash for AC3 codec in ffmpeg
Version 2.2.1
- Release Date: Oct 2, 2011
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- Fixed ffmpeg compiling issues due to changed ffmpeg API.
Version 2.2.0
- Release Date: Sep 27, 2011
- Download(s):
- BUGFIX: Fixed issues with UINT_64
- BUGFIX: Fixed issues compiling ffmpeg
Version 2.1.0
- Release Date: Jan 10, 2010
- Download(s):
- BUGFIX: Slideshow creation, Fixed audio transcoding for slideshow vids if the audio format is SAMPLE_FMT_U8.
- BUGFIX: configure script, had issues using the -j switch ( instead of the --cores )
- BUGFIX: Slideshow ialog, Some audio files caused the [Edit] dialog not to return to the calling function.
- BUGFIX: suppress "Not JPEG: /tmp/01.png" message.
- BUGFIX: Slideshow creation, properly init audio-output-sample_fmt.
- BUGFIX: Clone ButtonObjects would not clone the modifiers.
- BUGFIX: Configurator, Fixed the graphical configurator tool.
- BUGFIX: Crashing bug for ButtonObjects with shadows and overlay objects.
- BUGFIX: Fixed StructureItem when creating a ButtonObect.
- BUGFIX: Crashing bug when changing colors on MaskObjects after using the button-dialog.
- BUGFIX: Fixed rendering of MaskObjects on Images with OverlayObjects.
- Added possibility to modify multiple objects in the TemplateWizard ( required for the ReflectionPond template )
- BUGFIX: Crashing bug when using MovieObjects.
- Added context menu items to a ButtonObject whose main object contains a ShadowObject or an OverlayObject.
- BUGFIX: HDRCreme does no longer work.
Version 2.0.0
- Release Date: Oct 12, 2009
- Download(s):
- Please refer to the changelog for a full list of changes
Version 1.11.1
- Release Date: Aug 17, 2009
- Download(s):
- BUGFIX: QRender: Fixed ffmpeg version information for new API calls so qrender will compile on all versions of ffmpeg.
Version 1.11.0
- Release Date: Aug 7, 2009
- QRender: replaced deprecated function ffmpeg calls.
- Added support for Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V.
- Added support for Del.
- Added support for cursor keys in the DVDMenu.
- Added "--omit-qdvdauthor" to he configure script. This way qrender and qdvdauthor can be built separately.
- Display message in DialogOverlay if mask - directory does not exist or is empty.
- Added OverlayObject class.
- - Handle drawContents
- - Handle setting slider when MouseMove
- - Handle Color
- - Handle Transparency
- - Handle Reset
- - Implement NoOverlay - button
- - Handle AnimationAttributes
- - Check functionality
- - Change cursor shape according to Zoom, Move, or shear
- - Implement StructureItem attributes
- - Handle Init static variables ( Colors only )/usr/bin/qrender
- - Handle Init existing OverlayObject setting values
- - Add "Add Mask" Context menu for ImageOjects and MovieObjects.
- - OverlayObject::clone ()
- - Implement reading/writing to/from project file
- Add picture frames as masks.
- Add version info file to libraries
- Add menu item to check for latest resource versions
- - When Q is started for the first time, run the check.
- - Display if libraries etc are cmpletely missing
- Masks: add 1 single heart mask
- Masks: add a plain rectangle with frame
- Add slideshow aspect ratio 16:9.
- Rework the Undo-stack dialog.
- - Move the action to the very left side
- - Implement the multiple undo functionality
- - Update the UndoStack dynamically if the dialog is opened.
- BUGFIX: ButtonTransition: Video parameters for ButtonTransitions in the dvdauthor.xml file.
- BUGFIX: ButtonTransition: scale start image to have same size as end image.
- BUGFIX: ShadowObject rendering is wrong for images with OverlayObjects.
- BUGFIX: DialogMovie: MenuBackgrounds: TransitionsFeature: The duration of the transitions is lost.
- BUGFIX: qrender crashes if no AlphaMasks are present in SystemDir.
- BUGFIX: TextShaddows no longer working.
- BUGFIX: Videos are not removed fromt he video list after a slideshow is rendered.
- BUGFIX: Slideshow does not detect 16:9 or 4:3 when returning
- BUGFIX: When closing the app QDVDAuthor crashes on the StructureItem
- BUGFIX: Delete a MovieObject and press Ctrl-Z will crash QDVDAuthor.
- BUGFIX: ButtonDialog: The list of avail bttons needs to be that of the target DVD Menu.
- BUGFIX: Crashes for undo a deleted button.
- BUGFIX: Can not undo 'add Shadow'
- BUGFIX: Can not undo 'edit Shadow'
- BUGFIX: Can not undo 'delete Shadow'
- BUGFIX: Can not undo 'add OverlayObject'
- BUGFIX: Can not undo 'edit OverlayObject'
- BUGFIX: Can not undo 'delete OverlayObject'
- BUGFIX: Can not undo when creating a new object.
- BUGFIX: Fixed unicode issue in libjhead.
- BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor crashed when closing DialogFiles while creating thumbnails.
- BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor crashed when trying to create a slideshow without audio files.
- BUGFIX: QRender crashed when trying to create a slideshow without images.
- BUGFIX: libjhead did not like umlauts
- BUGFIX: QDVDAuthor could not handle ` in directory names.
- BUGFIX: Previewer resizing issue in full-screen mode.
- BUGFIX: QRender could not handle 11025Hz sample rate audio/video files.
- Added file dialogoverlay.h
- Added file dialogoverlay.cpp
- Added file uidialogoverlay.ui
Version 1.10.0
- Release Date: Jul 4, 2009
- Added ButtonTransitions
- Added transition between menus and SubMenus
- Added transition between menus and VMGMenu
- Added transition between menus and Videos.
- Added simple Drag'n Drop support for videos to the SourceToolbar from anywhere.
- Added icons to the structure elements
- Combine Structure Toolbar and Sources toolbar into one.
- Added capability to store temp images of a render animated menu as jpegs instead of a pngs
Version 1.9.0
- Release Date: Jun 11, 2009
- Improved Subtitles to handle / / / / /
- Added auto detection of multiple audio / subtitle steams for video sources
- Added RegionDialog to select DVD region code.
- Added Slideshow default parameters to DialogSetup.
- Added Zcech translation thanks to Pavel F.
- DVDLayout: Implement context menu for DVDLayout objects.
- DVDLayout: Add cursor keys handling, to move containers.
- BUGFIX: Fixed DVD size calculations to be a better prediction.
- BUGFIX: DVDMenu Menu item does not show up translated. Need to re-create the DVDMenu to have propper language.
- BUGFIX: Language setting is not restored when re-starting QDVDAuthor.
- BUGFIX: After slideshow is rendered update the image in DVDLayout.
- BUGFIX: Initial thumb size in DVLayout is sometimes messed up, only showing the header.
- BUGFIX: QRender stops with more than 3 slideshows to render. Why ?
- BUGFIX: If the video length is adjusted it does not change the length in the AllSources tab. + DVDLayout does add more then 5 videos in one row instead of organizing it in multiple rows
- Added re-render to context menu for slideshows
Version 1.8.0
- Release Date: May 4, 2009
- Added DVDLayout tab, to display current DVD layout structure.
- Add Button to enable / disable DVDLayout, Subtitles, and XML - tab.
- Implement Pan in DVDLayout
- Added a ComboBox to change between Orthogonal, and Linear router.
- Added print capabilities to DVDLayout.
- Added PrintPreview - dialog
- Added comment to Nodes in exportdvdauthor.cpp ( titleset and titles )
- Subtitle positioning in DV generated timestamps ( Fix color, and style too )
- CommandQueueDialog: Issue with resolvConvert. Wrong values set for subsequest commands.
- Summer2004: The last menu did not go to any videos. Seemed like all buttons were pointing to lala land.
- Fixed script to conform with the latest ffmpeg build system.
- QRender: See if we can get video and audio in a slideshow with vids into synch.
- Slideshow information being lost between FewClickWizard and main app.
- Slideshow information being lost between DialogImages and main app.
- Fix all dependency issues with SYSTEM_PATH vs INSTALL_PATH
- Check for QPixmap handling in background thread. This can cause crashes.
- when adding audio to the menu, a dialog could ask me, to set the menu duration automatically to the audio length.
- MovieDialog: Add ( Loop[x] ) after ( Pause after movie is finished )
- BUGFIX: Fixed PREFIX issue with libraries.
- BUGFIX: UTF-8 support in dvdauthor, and spumux xml files.
- BUGFIX: DialogAlign does no longer function propperly.
- BUGFIX: QRender: Can't get ogg to work as background audio.
- BUGFIX: When looking at Subtitles in the XML tab before the subtitles were renderd.
- BUGFIX: When loading a project, "Main Menu VMGM" is not the active tab
- BUGFIX: For multiple subtitles per SourceFileEntry, the numbering sequence gets out-of-synch
- BUGFIX: DialogMovie: Geometry - tab for DVDMenu. Change Size will always warn about the background size even if correct.
- BUGFIX: VisibleRegion to init file.
- BUGFIX: Crashing bug, when cancel ButtonDialog for objects with shadow.
- BUGFIX: Crashing bug, ahen deleting Button right after it has been dragged over from the AllSources tab.
- BUGFIX: After changing the Project path, the temp path is not changed in the objects, which causes build failures.
- BUGFIX: ExportDVDAuthor: Movie shows up multiple times if pointed to from different menus.
- BUGFIX: Assigning multiple SourceFileInfos to Subtitle[0].
- BUGFIX: ./configure -c : The option of install is not functional.
Version 1.7.0
- Release Date: Jan 18, 2009
- It fixes some bugs, adds the ChapterDialog to SourceFileEntries and adds AlhaTransitions to the SlideshowDialog.
Version 1.6.1
- Release Date: Dec 14, 2008
- Added --system-path to confiure script
- Added Sytem Path to configurator.
- Prepare and present NOVALUG presentation.
- BUGFIX: QRender. Newer version of ffmpeg changed which caused QRender to core-dump.
- BUGFIX: remove ffmpeg link in the qrender directory.
Version 1.6.0
- Release Date: Dec 1, 2008
- The focus for this release has been the major improvements to the Slideshow parts and propper handling of VIDs as part of the slideshows.
- The FewClickWizards functionality is now complete and overall slideshow generation is now fully integrated in QDVDAuthor.
- Simplified build process through command line, and GUI.
- Added Audio Support for Slideshows
- Added Support for short VIDs to Slideshows
- Added Previewer to DialogFiles, so that you can now preview videos from within the Dialog instead of opening an external player.
- Added ffmpeg to all possible creation steps
- Improved SubtitlesGui.
- Many bugfixes.
Version 1.5.0
- Release Date: Aug 3, 2008
- Added DialogImages.
- Added Previewer to DialogImages.
- Added libjhead source to project.
- Added image cache handling.
- Added QRender to handle slideshow rendering through ffmpeg as a separate process.
- Remove DialogSlideshow from the QDVDAuthor executable.
- Added new context menu items for ButtonObjects ( To Text, To Frame, To Image, To Movie ).
- Fixed and enhanced SimpleDVD, and ComplexDVD plugins.
- Many more bugfixes and smaller improvcements all around.
Version 1.2.0
- Release Date: May 13, 2008
- Added the FewClickWizard dialog
- Added plugin system for DVD creation.
- Added plugin : SimpleDVD. If you want to create your own plugin you should look at this code
- Added plugin : ComplexDVD. This plugin will pull random background images off the internet.
- Added support for ECC ( Error Correction Code ) through DVDisaster.
- Added support for transparent images.
- Added support for utf8 char video files.
Version 1.1.0
- Release Date: Mar 31, 2008
- Fixed broken QSlideshow Dialog
- Updated to dvd-slideshow 0.8.0
- Implemented micro button functionality.
- Improved the CommandQueueDialog to put all Subtitle creation into one Group
- Lots of bug fixes.
Version 1.0 Final
- Release Date: Jan 14, 2008
- Implemented a new caching system for thumbnails.
- Implemented a new dialog to organize, sort, rate and group videos.
- Implemented a star rating system.
- Implemented a system for Virtual Folders.
- Added capability to import chapter markers from a text file.
- Fixed issues with the resizing of docking windows.
- Fixed the DVD Structure such that changes no longer reset the tree.
- Fixed issues with the created dvdauthor.xml file.
- and of course a whole lot of bug fixes.
Version 1.0 RC3
- Release Date: Nov 23, 2007
- Improved the dvdauthor.xml generation.
- Added capability to [Play Multiple] files with one button.
- Added SemiTransarent colors to the masks.
- Added MaskObjects and integrated it with the ButtonLibrary.
- Added support to manually assign a menu or video to a titleset.
- Improved color assignments of the masks in the ButtonDialog.
- ThumbnailDialog creates now MovieObjects with the right length/offset.
- Fixed rendering of multiple MovieObjects per DVDMenu.
- many more ... and of course a whole lot of bug fixes.
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