This is the version history page for RadLight Filter Manager, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 1.5
- Release Date: Jun 6, 2007
- Fix: Unnecessary registry write access caused problems in limited user accounts. However, for registering / unregistering filters or changing merit values admin rights are mandatory!
- Added: Button for saving the the DirectShow filter list as text file (using commas as separators, can be imported in a data base)
- Changed: DirectShow filters whose file is missing are displayed in gray (if a filter has been deleted without unregistering it)
- Added: In case of an attempt to unregister a non-existent filter the RFM offers to delete the according (known) registry keys.
Version 1.2
- Release Date: Nov 6, 2003
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