This is the version history page for SuDiX Core, showing the last 20 software updates. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index:
Version 4.0 (Build 40128)
- Release Date: Aug 17, 2006
- Fixed i.set.
- Changed search methode in ftp.update
- Improved language pack,
- Added diagnose listings in editor,
- Fixed several Beta Bugs,
- Added Collection Management.
Version 4.00 Beta (Build 4045)
- Release Date: May 12, 2006
- Improved language pack,
- Moved settings tab to popup window,
- Changed Partition layout,
- Now you can create tablets for the Advanced calculator,
- Added helptext to each macro function,
- Added many Macro functions,
- Added variables handling in macro's,
- Macro's can be embedded,
- Changed layout of folder stucture,
- Fixed bug in stretch function,
- Fixed bug in framerate conversion,
- Added intelligent undo function,
- Added slidebar in mediaplayer,
- Removed standard calculator (not used frequently),
- Fixed small bug in Sonic DVD output format,
- Changed look of classic calculator,
- Added wizard function (use and create).
Version 3.20 (Build 32030)
- Release Date: Jan 20, 2006
Version 3.11 SE (Build 3.11.02)
- Release Date: Mar 17, 2004
- No license file needed for downloading subtitles,
- Fixed online message function,
- Changed way of downloading subtitles a bit,
- Fixed several small bugs,
- Still much more to come ...... (Sent any suggestion to me)
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